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"It's great to hear that the sea has been relatively calm recently! It's always a relief when unexpected challenges don't materialize. It sounds like you're on track to reach Khazad-Dum in a few days, which is exciting!

As for the dwarves there, it's difficult to say how they'll react to your arrival. It's possible that they'll be surprised and perhaps even skeptical at first, given that you're not a dwarf yourself. However, if you approach them with respect and explain your reasons for coming, they may be willing to listen and even offer assistance.

It's great to hear that the sea has been relatively calm recently! It's always a relief when unexpected challenges don't materialize. It sounds like you're on track to reach Khazad-Dum in a few days, which is exciting!

As for the dwarves there, it's difficult to say how they'll react to your arrival. It's possible that they'll be surprised and perhaps even skeptical at first, given that you're not a dwarf yourself. However, if you approach them with respect and explain your reasons for coming, they may be willing to listen and even offer assistance.

Keep in mind that dwarves tend to be proud and protective of their homes and traditions, so it's important to tread carefully and avoid offending. If you demonstrate a genuine interest in their culture and ways of life, they may be more likely to warm up to you. Offering gifts or showing appreciation for their hospitality can also go a long way in building positive relationships.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in being respectful, open-minded, and prepared for whatever reception you receive. Good luck, and I hope everything goes smoothly!

CopiedSin explained he was telling me about the dwarfs on Khazad-Dum Me piper Draco and Felix were listening Felix was not supposed to be on board not in a million years but he snuck onto the ship so I am gonna have to take him on this adventure and keep him alive because if this wired prince dies I am not gonna be blamed on wait can they even blame me I am a 9 year old physically write this again but longer

As Sin continued to tell me about the dwarves on Khazad-Dum, Piper, Draco, and Felix listened intently. Felix, the young prince, was not supposed to be on board the ship. It was a miracle that he had managed to sneak onto the ship without anyone noticing. But now that he was here, I knew that I would have to take him on this adventure and keep him alive.

I couldn't believe that Felix had managed to sneak onto the ship. I mean, he was a prince, for crying out loud! He was supposed to be protected and kept safe, not gallivanting around on a pirate ship. But here he was, standing in front of me, looking like he belonged here.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. This was not good. I was a 9-year-old girl, and now I was responsible for keeping a prince alive. I didn't know if I was ready for this kind of responsibility. But I knew that I had to step up and do what needed to be done.

"Alright, guys," I said, turning to Sin, Piper, and Draco. "Felix is coming with us on this adventure. We need to keep him safe and make sure he gets back home alive."

Sin raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's a good idea, kiddo? I mean, Felix is a prince. He's got a target on his back."

I nodded. "I know that. But we can't just leave him here. He's come this far, and now he's part of our crew. We need to protect him and make sure he gets back home safely."

Piper and Draco nodded in agreement. We all knew that this was going to be a tough mission, but we were determined to make it work.

"Alright, let's get moving," I said, turning to the group. "We've got a long journey ahead of us, and we need to make sure we're prepared for anything that comes our way." As we continued on our journey, I suddenly heard some creaks coming from below the surface of the water. I turned to Sin and asked, "What's that sound?"

Sin looked at me with a hint of curiosity and replied, "It might be one of the other elves. They're known to be skilled in stealth and can move quietly through the water."

However, as we waited and observed, a sudden jolt shook our makeshift raft, pushing us off balance. We looked at each other in alarm, wondering what was happening. Then, a massive creature emerged from the depths of the ocean, its scales glinting in the sunlight.

It was a sea beast unlike any we had ever seen before. Its body was covered in thick, slimy skin that glistened like a wet stone. Two razor-sharp horns protruded from its forehead, giving it a menacing appearance. The beast's eyes were cold and dark, and its gaping maw revealed rows of sharp teeth.

We froze in terror, unable to move or speak. The sea beast circled us, its gaze fixed on us with an unsettling intensity. We knew that we were no match for such a formidable creature, and our hearts raced with fear.

Sin whispered to me, "This is not good. We need to get out of here, now."

The sea beast circled us, its gaze fixed on us with an unsettling intensity. We knew that we were no match for such a formidable creature, and our hearts raced with fear.

"What do we do now?" Piper asked, her voice trembling.

"We need to get out of here, now," Sin whispered, his eyes locked on the beast.

But it was too late. The sea beast lunged forward, its powerful tail propelling it through the water. We scrambled to escape, but the creature was too fast. It rammed into our raft, sending us flying into the water.

I felt a jolt of pain as I hit the water, and my head went under. When I surfaced, I saw the sea beast looming over us, its jaws wide open, ready to strike. My heart raced with fear, and I knew that our fate was sealed.

As we struggled to resurface, the sea beast loomed over us, its jaws wide open, ready to strike. We knew that our fate was sealed, and all we could do was pray for a miracle.

But just as the sea beast was about to attack, a school of dolphins appeared out of nowhere, their clicks and whistles echoing through the water. The sea beast halted its attack, seemingly confused by the sudden presence of these new creatures.

The dolphins surrounded us, forming a protective barrier between us and the sea beast. One of them, a particularly large male, swam up to us and nudged us gently, almost as if it were urging us to climb onto its back.

Without hesitation, we grabbed hold of the dolphin's fin and climbed onto its back. The dolphin began to swim away from the sea beast, carrying us safely through the water.

As we looked back, we saw the sea beast retreating into the depths of the ocean, its gaze still fixed on us. We knew that we had narrowly escaped death, and our gratitude towards the dolphins was immeasurable.

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