The Illusionist's Challenge

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This is it? Killing a few weak monsters—is this even fun?

I know that we are new adventurers and all, but why do we have to kill weak monsters like killer rabbits? I've killed dragons before, but Edvin and Felix seem to be having fun somehow.

"Umm, Mr. Slytherin, do we "have" to kill these weak monsters? Can't we kill stronger ones?" I asked, and he turned around with a grin on his face. "Hehehehehehe, you are so never; it doesn't matter how strong you are; you have to go from bottom to top." He Said What did he mean by the bottom to the top? Does he want me to wait?

I don't want to wait any longer. I want to have fun, and waiting isn't an option. I have been waiting for 9 years! "No, Mr., I can't wait any longer! I need to kill some powerful monsters!" I said as a few killer rabbits jumped on me.

I used a wind spell to defeat them without even looking at them.

"Oh my, oh my, you're very impatient. Well, okay, then let's go into the dark forest," he mumbled with a smile that turned into a grin faster than I could understand it.

"Now we're talking!" I said

"But..." He muttered, I was having fun, but then I stopped whenever this guy said, "But." It's not going to be good at all!

"W-what?" I asked in a low voice.

"You will have to go through a test." He grinned harder than he had ever before.

"A t-test" I stuttered when he gave someone a test; it's never going to be good.

"Yes, all you have to do is scratch me, and we will go to the dark forest so you can train more." He menacingly said he was finally going to have some fun.

"Well, then I'm okay with that!" I said he turned around to Felix and Edvin, who were playing like kids, and both of them looked at him.

"Alright, listen up, my dear students," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've decided to give you a little challenge. All you have to do is scratch me, and we'll move on to the next stage of your training."

Felix and Edvin exchanged skeptical glances, but I knew that we had no choice. We had to prove ourselves, no matter how difficult the task may seem.

"Sounds simple enough," I said, trying to sound confident. "Let's get started."

Mr. Slytherin chuckled, clearly entertained by our eagerness. "Excellent. I'll give you three seconds to reach me. Ready, set, go!"

Felix launched himself at Mr. Slytherin with reckless abandon, but the latter effortlessly dodged his attack. Felix landed with a splash in a nearby river, leaving Edvin and me to tackle the challenge alone.

Undeterred, Edvin used his gravity magic to pull Felix back onto dry land. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he sent a barrage of rocks hurtling towards Mr. Slytherin. But the latter merely raised a single finger, deflecting the projectiles with ease.

I watched in horror as the rocks veered off course, heading straight for Edvin. He tried to dodge, but it was too late. The rocks slammed into him, sending him crashing to the ground.

My heart raced as I realized that it was my turn. I quickly used a boost spell to propel myself into the trees, seeking cover from Mr. Slytherin's piercing gaze. From my hiding spot, I observed as Felix attempted to use his lightning magic on our mentor. But Mr. Slytherin was unfazed, swatting the bolts away with a casual flick of his finger.

I gulped, feeling a wave of doubt wash over me. How could we possibly hope to succeed when even Edvin and Felix had failed so miserably? But I knew that giving up wasn't an option. I had to try, no matter how daunting the task may seem.

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