5. Draco The Dragon

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My father's voice echoed throughout the estate, growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment. "Ember! Ember, where are you!" he shouted, his words reverberating off the stone walls and high ceilings. Every servant in the castle was in a state of panic, frantically searching for me. They scoured every corner of the castle, from the darkest dungeons to the highest towers, desperate to find any trace of me.

My mother, joined in the search, her voice trembling with worry. "Ember, sweetheart, please come out! We need to talk to you!" she called out, her words tinged with desperation.

The servants searched every room, every corridor, every hidden passageway. They checked under beds, in closets, and behind curtains. They even searched the stables, the gardens, and the moat. But no matter where they looked, they couldn't find me.

As the minutes ticked by, my father's anger grew. "Why can't anyone find him?"

he demanded, his voice thundering through the Estate. "he's just a child, for crying out loud! How could he disappear without a trace?"

The servants exchanged worried glances, unsure of what to do next. Some of them whispered among themselves, speculating about my disappearance. Had I run away? Was I kidnapped? Or worse, had something terrible happened to me?

I, Ember, watched from a distance, hiding behind a large bush in the garden. I had been there for hours, making a contract with a dragon. My heart raced as I saw my father and the servants searching for me, calling out my name and pleading for me to come out.

"Oh oh, I think I might've caused a bit of trouble," I said, sheepishly, as I emerged from the bush. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty, knowing that my dad had probably been frantic with worry.

"Dad! Dad, it's okay, I'm here!" I called out, trying to calm myself down. But my dad was already running towards me, his face contorted with anxiety.

"Ember, thank goodness you're safe! We've been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I could feel his heart pounding against mine, and I knew that he had been terrified.

"can't br-breath! N-Nee-d a-ir I managed to squeak out 

"Sorry, Ember I just" he went in for round 2 No! no, nooooooooo!




10 Minutes Later




"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," I tried to sound remorseful, but my dad wasn't having it.

"Wait, son, is that a dragon?" he asked, his mouth wide open in shock. His eyes were almost popping out of his head as he stared at the baby dragon standing in front of us.

"Uhh, yeah, Dad. I can explain," I stammered, trying to think of a way to justify my actions.

"It's okay, son. I get it. You can explain it later. It's okay," my dad said, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and amusement. He was trying to process the situation, but he was also excited to see the dragon up close.

I led my dad into his office, trying to compose myself after the exciting events that had just transpired. As we entered the room, I noticed that my dad's eyes were fixed on the baby dragon that was still perched on my shoulder.

"Dad, this is Draco," I said, introducing them formally. "He's a baby dragon, and he's agreed to be my pet My dad's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly regained his composure. "It's nice to meet you, Draco," he said, extending a hand for the dragon to sniff. Draco happily obliged, nuzzling my dad's hand with his snout.

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