16. you owe me an explanation, Kai!

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Yesterday when we came to the royal capital since the king called me I came to the palace and what did he do? the king made me a baron! an gave me a mansion near the capital this is just insane I feel like the king just lost his mind about what he doing making me a 4-year-old baron when I became 10 and giving me 5 platinum coins and it doesn't end there a mansion! sure my dad is the duke and he is friends with the king but that doesn't mean he can give me so much responsibility

it is just not right!!!

right now I am in a room that the king let me stay in my dad is somewhere else and right now I'm technically just sitting on my bed thinking about everything what with Ezra saying that he is not gonna teach me magic anymore and is giving me a new teacher I mean I'm glad I'm not stuck with those to idiots but why?

Then I got up from the bed and went outside into a green area technically an area where there is just greenery and I'm just gonna stay here and eat some fresh air Draco is flying around me not saying anything

he's probably also thinking about last night when the king gave me the title of baron he seems very like very disoriented

I call out to him, my voice filled with excitement. "Hey, Draco!"

He responds gruffly, his voice sounding a bit irritated. "What?"

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, curious about what's on his mind.

"Nothing," he replies. "Just thinking about how many donuts to eat today."

I couldn't help but laugh at his response. I thought he was deep in thought, planning out our next move now that I'm a baron. But instead, he's preoccupied with food. Typical Draco.

As a person who is not exactly a morning person, waking up at 8:00 AM was a significant challenge for me. In my past life, I was used to sleeping in late, often rising at around noon. So, when the king informed me that the royal teacher would be meeting us at 10:00 AM, I knew I had my work cut out for me.

It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to roll out of bed and begin my morning routine.

 I stormed into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Why did Ezra have to go and do something like that? I thought we were friends, but now I wasn't so sure.

"Hey, if any of you weird guardians can hear me, come down here right now!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I was furious and wanted answers. It didn't take long for Kai to appear in front of me. He looked smug like he had just won some sort of twisted game.

"Long time no see, ugly. What do you want now?" he sneered."You know exactly what I want, Kai. You and Ezra just sprung a surprise on me, and I want to know why. Why didn't you guys tell me that you weren't going to teach me magic anymore?" I demanded.

Ezra stepped forward, looking sheepish. "Sorry, kiddo. We didn't mean to hurt you. It was Kai's idea to keep it a secret."

My anger boiled over, and I glared at Kai.

"And why did you do that? Didn't you care that I was counting on you guys to teach me?"

Kai shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, I just did it because you said you didn't want us to teach you. Figured it was the best way to get back at you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Kai had deliberately hurt me just to get revenge? That was low, even for him.

"Well, congratulations, Kai. You've officially crossed the line from annoying to despicable. I hope you're proud of yourself," I spat.

With that, I turned my back on them both and walked away, leaving them to stew in their guilt. I didn't need their brand of cruelty in my life. From now on, I was done with them.

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