18. Time Skip

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(A/N: This Image is my property)

My dad told me that Edvin could control gravity through the use of a magical doll. The doll is said to be cursed, and by using it, Edvin can summon powerful monsters to do his bidding. In addition to his gravity magic, Edvin also possesses the ability to create and control various types of monsters, which makes him a formidable opponent.

At first, I found it difficult to get used to having a talking bear as a butler, let alone one that can summon monsters. However, as the days passed, I began to see Edvin in a different light. He may be a powerful mage, but he's also kind and caring, and he's always willing to lend a helping hand.

Over the past week, Edvin has taught me a lot about magic and how to harness my abilities. He's been patient and understanding, and I feel grateful to have him as my butler.

 Even though I'm still learning, I can feel my powers growing stronger every day.

Even though Edvin is a powerful mage, I still find myself feeling a bit intimidated by him at times. When he's not busy serving as my butler, he spends most of his time studying ancient tomes and practicing his magic. It's clear that he takes his responsibilities very seriously, and I admire his dedication.

One thing that still unsettles me is the way Edvin's eyes seem to gleam whenever he talks about his magic. It's almost as if he's excited by the prospect of using his powers to defend me, and while I appreciate his enthusiasm, it also makes me feel a bit uneasy.

And since it's been a week I can finally learn magic with my teacher his name he didn't tell me when we met him last time he is terrifying but the only thing we can do is learn from him right?

He's very dangerous I don't like being around him at all right now my sister Draco Edvin and I are all going to the royal capital to learn from him the palace is like a 2-hour long trip from here and that's when we go at slow speed if we go full speed we can reach there in an hour right now we're going on normal speed and why would you even want the horses to run that far at that speed?

As we arrived at the palace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. The grandeur of the building never failed to impress me, and I couldn't wait to explore its many rooms and corridors.

I ran up the stairs, my little legs moving as fast as they could carry me. My sister tried to caution me, worried that I might fall, but I knew I was fine. After all, I was a 21-year-old trapped in a four-year-old's body. I wasn't about to let a little thing like falling stop me from exploring this incredible place.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I took a moment to catch my breath. The palace was even more beautiful than I remembered. The high ceilings, ornate furniture, and intricate paintings on the walls all combined to create a truly breathtaking atmosphere.

Just then, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, Ember!" Felix called out, waving at me with a big grin on his face.

I turned to greet him, feeling a surge of happiness. "Hey, Felix!" I replied, running over to hug him. "It's great to see you again!"

Felix looked a bit embarrassed, but he hugged me back anyway. "Yeah, no problem. Sorry that our palace is so far from your house. It's a bit of a hike, isn't it?"

I shrugged, not bothered in the least. "It's no big deal. I'm just glad we could come and visit. Where is our teacher, anyway?"

Felix gestured for me to follow him. "He's waiting for us in the throne room. Let's go say hello."

As we entered the throne room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the majesty of the space. The high ceiling, adorned with intricate frescoes, seemed to stretch on forever, and the luxurious furnishings, including the massive throne itself, added to the overall feeling of opulence. But it was the large windows that caught my eye, allowing as they did a flood of natural light to illuminate the room and cast a warm glow over everything.

A New Life In A New World (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now