Ember the so-called rookie Adventurer

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Uh, hello there! Yeah, so I'm pretty sure I just messed up big time. I mean, I had to revive the leader of the elves, and I realized today that I could've just used a teleport spell to get there. Like, duh, right? But noooo, I had to go and waste five whole days traveling when I could've just popped over there in an instant. Facepalm moment, much?

And if that wasn't bad enough, I totally forgot that I had to go to school! Like, what even is wrong with me? I'm pretty sure my brain decided to take a vacation without telling me. Lucky for me, my awesome dad stepped in and convinced the headmaster not to kick me out of school. Talk about a close call, am I right?

But hey, at least the universe decided to cut me some slack. Today just happens to be Saturday, which means no school! Yes, yes, I know. I'm basically a genius for figuring that out. So, since I've got the day off, I've decided to become an adventurer! That's right, folks, I'm going to join the cool kids at the adventurer's guild and start exploring the world. Who knows, maybe I'll even find a magical talking dog sidekick or something.

Of course, before I can officially become an adventurer, I've got to meet with "Mr. Slytherin." Now, I'm not gonna lie, the guy freaks me out a little. I mean, he's got to be like the Joker or something, right? I picture him cackling maniacally while stroking a cat and plotting world dominance. But hey, at least he's not boring, right?

So, wish me luck, guys! I'm off to embark on a life of adventure and possibly get myself killed by a crazy old wizard. See you on the flip side!

As we followed Mr. Slytherin through the crowded streets of the royal capital, Felix couldn't contain his excitement. He kept bouncing up and down, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Ember, I'm going to become an SSS+ rank adventurer; you just watch!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with determination.

Mr. Slytherin chuckled, his laugh sending a chill down my spine. "Hehehehehe, I'm sure you will, if you follow my instructions." Mr. Slytherin's voice dripped with malice, his cold, calculating gaze lingering on Ember and Felix like a predator sizing up its prey. His smile twisted into a menacing grin, revealing pointed teeth stained yellow from years of nicotine abuse.

As he spoke, his voice lowered to a raspy whisper, sending chills down Ember's spine. He trailed off, his voice dripping with sinister intent.

I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one before. 'Follow my instructions and you'll be the greatest adventurer ever.' Please, like I haven't heard that a million times before."

Felix shot me a look. "Ember, don't be like that. Mr. Slytherin is trying to help us."

I snorted. "Help us? Ha! like those weird and scary methods will actually help us more, like kill us; you did his training too, right?"

Mr. Slytherin glanced back at us, his eyes narrowing. "Ah, I see you're a skeptic, Ember. Well, let me tell you. I assure you that my methods are unorthodox, but they are effective. You'll see, once you've completed my training, you'll be the strongest adventurer in all of Eldrida."

I scoffed. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Mr. Slytherin, but mark my words, I won't be fooled by your tricks and lies."

Felix sighed, shaking his head. "Ember, can't you just try to be optimistic for once? Maybe Mr. Slytherin really does want to help us."

I crossed my arms, stubbornness written all over my face. "No way, Felix. I'm not falling for his trap. I'd rather die than be controlled by someone like him."

Mr. Slytherin stopped suddenly, turning to face us. "Ah, I see. Then perhaps you'd prefer to be trained by someone else? Hmm?"

My heart skipped a beat. Was this guy for real? Did he honestly think I was afraid of him? "Oh, no, no, no. I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Slytherin. In fact, I'm eager to see what you've got planned for us."

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