23. The Start of Battle

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"Marcus, you...(The king) Marcus, you...How could you do this to me?!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with anger and frustration as I stormed through the Dark Forest, firing fire spells left and right at the creatures that dared to cross my path. "I'm just a kid, for crying out loud! I shouldn't be on the front lines of a war! Do you know where I want to be? I want to be on the couch of my house, sipping hot chocolate and watching cartoons, not fighting for my life against monstrous creatures!"

As I ranted, a massive fire dragon suddenly appeared behind me, its fiery breath illuminating the darkness of the forest. Without hesitation, I summoned all my strength and cast a powerful fireball at the beast, obliterating it in a burst of flames.

"Marcus, you jerk! Why do you need a 9-year-old magic prodigy on the field of battle?!" I continued to fume, my anger directed at the king who had seen fit to enlist me in his army. "I'm not a soldier, I'm a child! I should be playing with toys and making friends, not risking my life for a cause that's not even mine to begin with!"

Despite my outrage, I knew that my words would fall on deaf ears. The king had made his decision, and I was at his mercy. But that didn't stop me from venting my frustrations on the hapless creatures of the Dark Forest, who suffered the brunt of my wrath!

(A/N: Why does my character sound evil right now?)

"Phew, I feel way better now," I said, pausing to catch my breath. I reached into my magic box and pulled out a towel, using it to wipe the sweat from my brow.

As I stood there, cooling down, I realized that I had forgotten all about my earlier frustrations. The adrenaline rush of combat and the satisfaction of defeating my enemies had driven all thoughts of the king and his edict from my mind. For the first time in weeks, I felt truly free.

"Okay, now let's get out of here," I said, my voice filled with determination. I focused my energy and visualized my destination - my cozy bedroom in my family's castle. With a burst of magical power, I teleported myself home, leaving the Dark Forest and all its dangers behind.

"Hey, any of you guardians there?!" I yelled, hoping that someone would answer.

After a few moments of silence, a voice finally responded.

"Hi Weirdo, it's been a long time hasn't it?"

I recognized the voice instantly, and my heart began to race. It was Kai, one of my oldest friends and fellow guardians.

"Kai, if you don't stop teasing me, I will literally murder you!" I threatened, trying to hide my excitement at hearing his voice.

"I don't care," he replied nonchalantly.

"Anyway, come into a human form, will you? I can't see you anywhere!" I pleaded, eager to see him he was the most annoying person in all the lands but it was nice to see someone else instead of that king right now.

"Okay, okay," he said before transforming into a tall, handsome young man with piercing black eyes and jet-black hair.

"So, what do you want?" he asked casually

"Why did you guys have to give me these powers now?" I complained, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of my responsibilities. "I can't stay in my bed all day and rest. I'm gonna have to go to a freaking war at any time, any moment!"

Ezra, another one of my closest friends and guardians, appeared behind me, startling me with his sudden presence.

"Trust me, Asher – no, Ember, trust me, it's for your own good," he said softly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Ah! Ezra! When you're gonna sneak up behind me, tell me before you speak. You scared me a lot!" I reprimanded him, still trying to catch my breath.

"Sorry, sorry," he apologized, giving me a warm smile.

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