24. Unlikely Allies

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(A/N: This Image is my property and is the image of the elf commander)

"Asher! Asher!" I heard someone calling my name. I tried to ignore it, wanting to stay in my dream. It was such a good dream, too. I was fighting an army of elves, and I was winning. Wait, what? That couldn't be real. Who was calling me Asher? Only one person called me that.

"Nooo, what do you want? I'm having such a good dream. Im fighting an army of elves. Wait, Asher is my past life's name, and the only one who calls me that is Ezra," I mumbled, trying to go back to sleep.

But the voices persisted. "Hey, lazybones, wake up!" One of the voices said.

I forced my eyes to open and saw two guardians in front of me. "Hey guys, it's been a while. So, why am I here?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Uh, well, you died," Kai said bluntly.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I shouted, sitting up straight. This couldn't be true. I was invincible. I was supposed to live forever.

"Kai! At least tell it to him in a way that's easier to swallow," Ezra said, nudging Kai in the ribs.

"How did I die?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

"Well, when you were fighting that elf Piper, you were gonna disarm her, right?" Ezra started explaining.

"Yeah," I replied, my memory starting to come back.

"But you were gonna use your boost spell before you were gonna try to disarm her, and you forgot to use your boost spell. And she just murdered you," Kai interjected, his voice still blunt.

"No, no, no, no, no! This world was so fun. I can't believe it. I wanted to live until I turned at least 100," I groaned, putting my face in my hands. This couldn't be happening.

"So, I'll tell you one thing if it makes you feel better. We can make time go back, and you'll have one last chance to save yourself. If you die again, we can't do anything. So this is your last chance," Ezra said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Hmm, okay, then," I said after a moment of consideration. I wasn't ready to give up yet. Not when I had barely scratched the surface of this new world.

"Also, I'll tell you one thing about Piper. Maybe talking her out of it might be a safer option. Piper doesn't like killing anyone. She never wanted to. She didn't want to kill you either, but she got scared when you moved that fast, so she...you know, murdered you," Ezra explained further.

That was certainly helpful information. And also somewhat disturbing. But I didn't have time to dwell on it. I needed to prepare for my last chance.

"Well, that's kind of helpful and kind of disturbing. Anyways, thanks, and make the future go back!" I said, determination in my voice. I was not going to waste this chance. My life depended on it. the I disappeared.



"Can he save our world?"

"I am not so sure anymore"

"well, he is gonna have to get stronger very quick because the Fight is right around the corner.....



As I stood before Piper, sword pointed at my throat, I knew I had to think carefully about my next move. I couldn't afford to make the same mistake twice, not when my life was on the line. Trying to disarm her again would be risky, and I didn't want to take any chances. Instead, I decided to try a different approach.

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