Special: Edvin's Trauma

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WARNING: This chapter and this chapter only consist of violence that may be upsetting to some readers. keep in mind this whole story doesn't have that but this chapter does.

I was born into a family of servants it wasn't like I wasn't happy I was very happy I walked in my parent's footsteps and wanted to become the best butler in the world and this is the day it started

I burst through the door, my heart heavy with frustration. "Mom, I'm home," I called out, my voice laced with disappointment. Our house, a small, cramped shed, was dimly lit, the only light coming from a single flickering candle on the kitchen table. My mother, a worn-out look on her face, turned from the stove, where she was stirring a pot of soup.

"What happened, son?" she asked, concern etched on her features.

I sighed, dropping my bag onto the floor. "It's just...people don't take me seriously. They think I'm just a kid who can't do anything." My voice cracked with emotion. "But I'm the best butler in the world, mom. Everyone knows that. I've won awards, I've been recognized by the royal family. But no one wants to hire me because I'm a kid."

My mother's expression softened, and she put down the spoon she was holding. "Oh, Edvin. You're such a talented young man. Don't let what other people say get you down. You're going to make a great butler someday."

I shook my head, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "That's just it, mom. I am a great butler. But no one sees it. No one gives me the chance to prove myself."

My mother stepped closer, her hands on my shoulders. "Edvin, listen to me. You're going to have to fight for what you want. Life isn't always fair, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Keep pushing forward, keep showing people what you're capable of. One day, someone will recognize your talent and give you the opportunity you deserve."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. My mother was right. I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting and keep proving myself. And I would start by becoming the best butler in the world.

From that day on, I dedicated myself to my craft. I spent hours upon hours practicing, perfecting my techniques, and learning new skills. Slowly but surely, people began to take notice. They saw the passion and dedication in my work, and they began to recognize my talent.

Years went by, and I became one of the most sought-after butlers in the kingdom. People would come from far and wide to taste my culinary creations, and to experience my exceptional service. And I never forgot my humble beginnings, always remembering the words my mother spoke to me that day.

"Keep pushing forward, keep showing people what you're capable of. One day, someone will recognize your talent and give you the opportunity you deserve."

From that day on, I dedicated myself to my craft. I spent hours upon hours practicing, perfecting my techniques, and learning new skills. I read every book I could find on bustling

I worked tirelessly to improve my knowledge and abilities, always striving to be the best.

My mother, seeing my determination, supported me every step of the way. She encouraged me, pushed me to excel, and provided me with endless opportunities to practice and improve. Together, we transformed our small shed into a miniature palace, complete with fine china, exquisite furniture, and delicious meals.

As I honed my skills, people began to take notice. Neighbors, impressed by my dedication and expertise, started asking me to help them with their households. Word spread quickly, and before long, I was in high demand. People from all over the kingdom came to me for assistance, seeking my guidance and services.

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