7. To The Royal Capital

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"Ember, Ember!" my father yelled, his voice echoing throughout the mansion as he searched for me. "Where are you? We have to go to the capital! You're going to get your magic and you have to attend your debut!"

I could hear the excitement and anxiety in his voice, and I knew he was getting worried that we might be late. But I was already on my way, hurrying down the stairs as fast as my little legs could carry me.

"Yeah, Dad, I'm here! Wait!" I called out, my voice squeaking with excitement. I had been looking forward to this day for years, ever since I had formed a contract with Draco and we had become good friends. Now, I was finally going to turn four years old, and I couldn't wait to celebrate.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw my father standing in the entrance hall, looking relieved. "There you are!" he exclaimed, rushing over to me. "We have to go, Ember. The ceremony is starting soon."

I nodded eagerly, my heart racing with anticipation. I had been preparing for this day for months, practicing my magic and studying hard to make sure I was ready. And now, the moment of truth had finally arrived.

Together, my father my mom my sister, and I made our way to the capital, the seat of the kingdom's power. The streets were crowded with people, all dressed in their finest clothes and excitedly chattering about the upcoming ceremony. I could feel the magic in the air, pulsing with energy and possibility.




2 Hours Later




As I looked outside the window of the carriage I saw the houses and the people the old buildings and the people it was all like I had imagined hadn't gone outside at all this was my first time!

"Lily, can you show me your status?" asked my older sister she was only 3 years older than me  so she was 7 years old right now 

"yeah sure my little brother," she said while squeezing me with everything she had

"Ack! Lily, stop! You're suffocating me!" I cried out, struggling to break free from her grasp.

But Lily didn't budge. She held onto me like a vice, her grip growing tighter by the second. I began to panic, feeling like I was running out of air.

"Lily, seriously! You're crushing me!" I pleaded, my voice rising in desperation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lily released her hold on me. I collapsed onto the floor of the carriage, gasping for breath like a fish out of water.

"Sorry, Ember," Lily said, looking sheepish. "I guess I got a little carried away. You're just so cute when you talk!"

I glared up at her, still trying to catch my breath. "Yeah, well, maybe you should try hugging me a little less like I'm your pillow next time."

Lily laughed and gave me a playful tap on the head. "Oh, Ember. You're such a silly kid. I can't wait to see what else you'll come up with."

I shook my head, smiling despite myself. This family and their weird hugging habits were going to take some getting used to. But hey, at least they made life interesting.

Then my sister lifted her hands

"Status open!" she said



Name: Lily Celeste

Age: 7

Titles: Duke's daughter, Kind, Smart, brave

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