The Mysterious Three-Headed Creature

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"Good morning, Master Ember. I have prepared your breakfast," Edvin said, his voice gentle and patient as he tried to rouse me up from my slumber.

I groggily opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep from them. "Leave me alone, Edvin. I'm tired," I muttered, my voice thick with exhaustion.

Edvin shook his head sympathetically. "Sorry, Master, but you have to wake up. You have important duties to attend to today."

I rolled onto my side, pulling the blankets up to my chin. "Duties? Ha! What duties could possibly be more important than sleep?"

Edvin's expression remained firm. "You know very well that you have responsibilities as the chosen one, Master. You cannot simply spend your days sleeping and neglecting your duties."

I sighed and tried to burrow deeper beneath the blankets. "Responsibilities? Bah! I'm sick of hearing about them. All I want to do is sleep."

Edvin's voice took on a hint of exasperation. "Master, you cannot avoid your responsibilities forever. You must rise to the challenge and lead our people."

I shook my head, feeling a sense of dread wash over me. "I don't want to lead anyone. I just want to sleep."

Edvin's expression softened slightly. "I understand, Master. But you must remember that your role is crucial to the well-being of our people. You cannot abandon them."

I tucked my head deeper into my blanket before reaching out my hand towards Draco who was sleeping there I picked him up and gave him to Edvin

"There we go take him now let this young 9-year-old sleep" I mumbled thinking that I was finally free from this stress 

"Okay then I guess Draco will go to school in your place," He said with a chuckle

"Huh...? Sure...Draco can take my plac-...Wait, what?! No, no, no, no! I'm going, Draco's not taking my place!" I shouted, jumping up from the bed and frantically trying to gather my thoughts.

Edvin looked at me with confusion, "Uh, I thought you said you wanted him to go?"

"No, no, no! That's not what I meant. I mean, I did say that, but I didn't mean it. Not really."

Edvin raised an eyebrow, "Well, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you just did. You handed Draco over to me and said he could take your place."

I shook my head, "No, no, no. That was just a figure of speech. I didn't mean it literally." I shouted at Edvin

"Okay, then you can go now," He said as he moved aside 

"I need to get ready for school!" After I got ready I picked up Draco who was groaning wanting to sleep more but I wasn't letting him off the hook he had been doing other stuff lately for a long time and now he wasn't going anywhere!
I quickly devoured my food and Draco came back to his senses

"Be careful, Ember you might choke" Draco warned me as he drowsily came to my side 

"Nom nom nom! I don't care I have to get to school! after I helped those elves I didn't go to school for so long!" I mumbled with food in my mouth then I yanked Draco away from the table he was sitting on and started running I didn't want to waste time I was already late!




1 Hour Later




As I walked through the crowded hallways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The other students were all staring at me, but not in the way I wished they would. Instead of admiring my fashion sense or my sharp wit, they were all fixated on the magnificent creature perched on my shoulder - Draco, my loyal dragon.

A New Life In A New World (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now