Ranking Exams and Runaway Dragons

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As I stepped off the carriage and onto the grounds of the school, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. The exam was just hours away, and I was far from prepared. Draco's constant badgering had taken its toll on me, and I was starting to feel like I was drowning in a sea of anxiety.

Edvin's persistent queries didn't help matters. He hovered around me like a nervous parent, asking me over and over again if I was sure I was prepared. I tried to brush him off, but he just wouldn't leave me alone.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the carriage came to a stop in front of the school. I climbed out, stretching my tired limbs and signaling for Edvin to leave me be. I needed a moment of peace before the exam, and I hoped that he would respect my wishes.

Just as I was about to take a deep breath and collect my thoughts, Felix appeared out of nowhere, dashing towards me with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey Ember!" he exclaimed, his voice booming across the courtyard. "How's it going? Are you ready for the exam?"

I forced a smile onto my face, trying to hide my inner turmoil. "Yeah, I'm good," I lied. "I'm just a bit nervous, you know?"

Felix nodded sympathetically, his eyes darting towards Draco, who was perched on my shoulder. "Yeah, I can imagine. But don't worry; you'll do great. Draco looks like he's in top form, doesn't he?"

I couldn't help but laugh at Felix's comment. Draco did indeed look fierce, his scales glinting in the sunlight and his wings spreading wide. He was definitely the strongest familiar in the school, and I was grateful to have him by my side.

But despite Felix's attempt to lift my spirits, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in my stomach. The exam was just hours away, and I was far from ready. All I could do now was hope for the best and pray that Draco would be able to carry me through this ordeal.

"Wait a second, you don't have a familiar right? I mean, I've never seen you summon one," I said.

"Ember, if you think you are the only one with a cool familiar in our class, forget it. I have a cool familiar too, and it's better than Draco!" Felix said

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Felix, of all people, was trying to one-up me with his familiar? I mean, I knew he had a familiar, but I had never seen it before. And now he was claiming that it was cooler than Draco? That was just plain ridiculous.

"Oh yeah, how cool is it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light. But inside, I was seething. No one messes with Draco like that.

Felix smirked at me. "Well, let me tell you. My familiar is none other than a rare and majestic creature known as the 'Glowing Gazork.' It's a cross between a gazelle and a glowworm, and it's capable of producing the most mesmerizing light shows you've ever seen. Just watch this."

With a flourish, Felix summoned his familiar. And sure enough, a beautiful, glowing creature materialized before us. It had the body of a gazelle, but its fur was covered in tiny bioluminescent organs that emitted a soft, ethereal light. Its horns were long and curved, and it had large, expressive eyes that seemed to gleam with intelligence.

I couldn't deny it—the Glowing Gazork was certainly impressive. But I wasn't about to let Felix get away with dissing Draco like that.

"That's pretty cool, I guess," I said, trying to sound noncommittal. "But Draco here has some pretty impressive tricks up his sleeve too."

Felix raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

Before I could answer, Draco suddenly spoke up. His voice was low and menacing, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

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