12. Becoming friends with the Prince?!

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I couldn't believe my ears. Had the Prince of Eldrida just asked to be friends with me, the future Duke of Eldrida? It seemed like a joke, a ridiculous misunderstanding. But then I remembered that the royal family was known for their eccentricities, and maybe this was just another example of that.

I tried to play it cool, pretending that I hadn't heard the request properly. "Say what now? You want to be friends with me?" I asked, attempting to sound nonchalant.

The prince nodded eagerly, his big brown eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Yes, I do! I think we could have a lot of fun together. Plus, it would be great to have a friend who understands what it's like to be a member of the royal family."

I was taken aback by his words. Was this happening? Was the Prince seriously asking me to be his friend? It all seemed so surreal, like a scene from a movie or a fairy tale.

But then I remembered that this was real life, and I needed to respond accordingly. I couldn't just sit there in stunned silence forever. So I took a deep breath and spoke, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Uh, well, I guess it couldn't hurt to hang out a bit. But I have to warn you, I'm not exactly the most exciting person in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd bore you to tears within minutes."

The prince laughed a warm and infectious sound. "Nonsense! I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun together. And besides, I'm not exactly the life of the party myself. I'm sure we'll be able to entertain each other just fine."

I couldn't argue with that logic. And besides, it wasn't like I had anything better to do. My parents were always busy with their royal duties and my sister was just a bit too boring! So why not spend some time with the Prince? It certainly beat sitting alone in my room all day.

The Prince of Eldrida, the future king, wanted to be my friend. It was hard to wrap my head around it.

I remembered the last time we met, at a formal dinner hosted by our families. He had seemed so timid, barely speaking above a whisper. I had felt bad for him, wondering how he would ever be able to rule a kingdom with such a weak demeanor.

But now, he was standing in front of me, smiling and confident. It was like he had transformed into a completely different person.

"So, what do you say?" he asked, his big brown eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Will you be my friend?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. we were gonna work together when we were older  But the prince seemed genuinely interested in becoming friends, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So, I nodded my head, trying to hide my doubts.

"Okay, sure. I'd be happy to be your friend, Your Highness," I said, trying to curtsy gracefully.

The prince grinned, seemingly pleased with himself. "Excellent! I knew you'd see things my way. Now, shall we plan our first adventure together?"

I nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy. What kind of adventure could we possibly have together?

but the prince had already made a plan 

"well are gonna go to a picnic!" he said with enthusiasm filled in his eyes 

"Yeah, sure."




The Next Day




As I slowly opened my eyes, the bright sunlight pierced through my window and directly hit my face, making me squint. I raised my hand to block the intense rays, muttering under my breath. "What do you want, sun? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here?"

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