41. Closet

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I glanced around and noticed that light was creeping out from under the closet door.

I conjured up some smoke blades sands slowly walked over.

I glanced at my room door. I left it open in case I have to run.

Should I get one of the grownups? I feel like I shouldn't be exploring this on my own.

I don't wanna bother them though.

I yanked open my door and glanced around.

Nothing and no one.

I walked in, still holding the daggers.

Then I heard the door shut.

I spun around and saw two tall figures. They both wore cloaks with hoods that hid their face and entire body.

One cloak was a black and the other was white.

"What do you want?"

They both held out a hand and I backed away.

This is probably where I scream for help.


I'm training to be a fighter!

I charged at them and then fell on the floor.

What the!?

"Oh. Sorry! I would have caught you but I didn't know you would run at them like that."

I spun around onto my back.

King stared down at me with his mask and coat hood up.

"What are you doing?" I smacked his hand away as he tried to help me to my feet.

"I want to show you something."

"Who are they?" I asked pointing at the hooded figures.

"Two of my assistants. Now come on. We don't have much time."

I followed him.

"Much time for what?" I asked.

"You'll see.

The sun was still down.

"Where are we?"

"A very poor city." He said as we walked through the  quiet and abandoned streets.

"Are we still in California?"


I looked around.

"Ugh. I have a headache."

"Gas will do that to you."

I blushed.

"I'm not gassy thank you very much."

"No, I'm talking about the loose gas that people have been complaining about to the city for weeks."

"A broken pipe?"

King nodded.

"That's dangerous!"

"It is. But the city claims to not have Enki money to fix it. Come on. Walk faster please." King looked at his watch.

"Can you please tell me what we're doing here?"

"Soon people will be getting up to go to work. Even before the sun is out. They'll be preparing lunches for themselves, their partners and kids. They'll drop the children off with their babysitters have a busy day. Hardly anyone comes out at night. It's dangerous."

I looked around. I didn't see anyone.

A helicopter flying overhead caught both our attention and we looked up.

"Come on. We need to get out of here."

"You're the one that brought me here." I said before we reappeared next to his assistants again.  

"Watch, Vera. This happens a lot more than you know. This is why we need to bring both organizations down."

I looked away from the assistants who had their heads down.

Something fell from the helicopter and I tilted my head confused.

"Brace yourself." King grabbed my arm.

"For wh-"

I was blown back by the force of the explosion.

King pulled me into his chest and I was shocked.

After I regained my balance and with my ears still ringing, I pulled away and looked back to the city.

My jaw dropped.

Car sirens wailed and there were screams.

Fires burned everywhere.

"No no no no no!"

I ran forward.

"I can help!"

I tried to move the smoke out of houses and choke out fires.

"Vera, stop."

"Are you insane!? I mean, I know you are but how do you expect me to stop!?"

The white hooded assistant held out a walkie talkie.

"Something weird is happening with the smoke down there, over."

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