62. Sleep

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I groaned and held my head.

"Are you alright?"

I jumped and looked back at King who looked worried.

"I'm fine."

"Need a hug?"


He walked out of the closet and hugged me.

I hugged him back and buried my face into his chest.

"I'll kill him."

"Don't. He's your cousin." I said and he rubbed my back.

"I don't care."

We just hugged for a while until I yawned.



I yelped as he scooped me up and carried me to the bed.

He pulled the blackest back and laid us both down.

After we were settled in, he pulled the blanket over us and hugged me tightly.

He rubbed my back and hummed.

"What are you gonna do when you overthrow the organizations? Liked with your family?"

"I lock them up in my house." He yawned.

"Is your house big?" I asked curiously.

"It's pretty big. Now go to sleep."

I closed my eyes that were suddenly heavy as bricks.

He smells good.

I opened my eyes ands saw King still asleep.

I changed out of my pjs.

We're heading home after the big ass breakfast they're hosting.

I fixed my hair and put on my socks and shoes.

I looked over at King and saw him watching me.

"Don't be a pervert." I smiled and grinned.

"Don't hate me for admiring a masterpiece." He sat up and picked his clothes up off the floor.

He slept in only his boxers.

"You should get going. They're gonna be looking for you." I said making sure I looked presentable.

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" He asked.

"Goodbye, King." I smiled and walked to the door.


I walked down to the dining room and looked around. Sebastian waved at me and I headed over to the table.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not to good but I actually had the best goodnight sleep I've ever had."

"Really?" Luna asked as she reached over for my hand and healed me.

I nodded.

"You must have been really tired. That was a brutal fight." Luna said.

"It definitely was." I grinned.

"Are you okay now that Luna healed you?" Sebastian asked.

"Never felt better." I smiled.

"Glad to hear." Luna beamed.

After breakfast, we had a ceremony and then we left.

"What's on your mind?" Sebastian asked curiously.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You seem deep in thought. Did something happen last night?"

Luna looked over curiously as we drove on.

"No. Not much. I showered and passed out." I wasn't completely lying.

I just left out the hot parts.

We got home and I hopped out of the car.

I made eye contact with Ezra and we both looked away.

"You okay?" I looked at Sebastian and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

We walked in to the house and I walked into the kitchen.

I got some water and leaned against the counter.

Ezra walked in and looked around.

I froze.

There's no one else in here.

Everyone else is in their rooms.

He walked over to me and stopped a few inches from me.

"About yesterday."

I held my cup in my hands.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

He opened his mouth when Lantern walked in.

"What are you guys doing in here? Are you not full from the fair well feast?" He laughed

"I just came for water." I said slipping past Ezra and hurting out the door.

I locked the door to my room and put a chair against it since Ezra said locks can't stop him.

Why am I so scared?

I wasn't this nervous yesterday.

Probably because King was there.

I don't know.

I laid down on my bed and stared out the window.

It was starting to rain.

I hope King is somewhere safe and warm.

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