44. Hike

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"I told Sebastian."

King turned to look at me curiously.

"And why would you go and do that?"

"I needed someone to talk to. I couldn't keep it bottled up."

"I guess it is a lot of pressure." King nodded.

"Can you tell me where exactly we're going?" I asked as we walked up the steep mountain.

"No where. It's just a hike." King smiled at me.

Bro wasn't even breaking a sweat.

Meanwhile I was soaking wet and trying so hard to keep my breath steady.

"Just a hike, huh? Is that while you had German call Lantern and act like my aunt saying there was a family emergency?"


I looked up and saw German happily jumping from rock to rock as a goat.

"Let's stop for a break." German stopped where the rocks cleared and you could see the huge lake and other surrounding mountains.

"Why are we stopping?" I asked as German skipped over and headbutted King for pets.

"Just for a rest."

I nodded and drank from my water bottle.

"Are we in danger?"

"Hm... well, there are bears, mountain lions and snakes as well as coyotes and mountain slides. But I'd just stay close so I can teleport us away. Hi." King smiled as two girls walked past us.

"Hi!" They smiled and waved.

"Oh look! A mountain goat!" One of them pointed at German.

They kept walking full of giggles.

"I'm talking about Sebastian. He said he'd keep my secret but... there's always a chance he'll tell."

"Eh, I'm sure we're fine. Sebastian never had anyone on his side. He'll probably want to keep you on his team and stay quiet. I could always kill him if you'd like." King poured out some water for German to drink.

"No.... No I'm real good."

"Then you shouldn't worry about anything. Ready to keep going?"

"How far are we going!?" I sighed.

"To the tippity top."

I held back another sigh but followed him.

"Why isn't Julie here?"

"She's busy with stuff. Do you want me to tell you with what?"

"No, I'm good."

"Thought so."

After a few hours, we made it to the peak.

"I hate you." I panted.

"What, you don't enjoy long hikes?" He turned to smile at me.

"Look at me. Look at me." I grabbed my belly fat. "Does it look like I like hikes?"

"Hey, you're skinnier than when I met you!" He laughed.

I have had to change suits to smaller sizes a few times.

"I could push you off this mountain right now." I said looking down at the clouds.

"Then you'd be a murder, just like all your heroes."

"Shut up."

"You can if you want to."

I turned to look at him.


"Push me off. If you want to, you can."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Because I'd survive."

"Sure you would."

"Look." He walked over to the edge.

"What are you doing?"

"Bye!" He smiled and hopped off the cliff.

I screamed and ran towards him.

He smiled as he disappeared and I tried to stop.

The ground being uneven didn't help and I fell over the edge.

I screamed as I shut my eyes and held my stomach.

I hate heights, I hate roller coasters, I hate the feeling that you get when falling, I hate it all.

Now this is how I die.

All because of this psychopath.


Arms wrapped around me and I could smell King's cologne.

I felt his body against mine as we fell head first.

Ima pass out now.

"Weee!" King said and we landed on something bouncy.

I opened my eyes as we came to a stop and looked around.

We landed on a trampoline.

I was breathing heavily and shaking.

"Fuck you, King.... Screw you."

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