57. Games

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"I have to fight a guy and a girl." He said.

"What are their abilities?" I asked.

"Oxygen and plants."

"Well you got one down." I shrugged.

"Maybe. I don't wanna get on a high horse about it though.

"I'm gonna fail." I sighed.


"Because I have to fight wind and water. Smoke doesn't stand a chance. I have to rely on weapons."

"I've see you in action. You're pretty good. Too bad I can't use a gun." Sebby sighed.

"I'm surprised they said no guns. The rules are as long as you don't kill, it's fine." I said.

"Oh well. Let's get some rest."

I stepped into the arena  and people cheered.

"Stepping up first is Vera Bizarre Zamora, also known as X from Group! Her power is Smoke!" The announcer shouted into the mic, hurting my eardrums.

People cheered and I looked around in my mask.

There's so many...

I spotted Group and they waved.

I nervously waved back.

"Next is Judas Jake, also known as Aeolus from Action! His power is Wind!"

I watched the tall man walk in.

He wore a fur jacket and pants along with boots.

He grinned evilly at me.

I know him...


It's him!

"And finally we have Barranca Chase, also known as Mar from Bright Light! His power is water!"

Everyone cheered and I could hear our names being chanted by our group mates.

I watched another tall boy with blue green hair walk in yawning. He smirked at me.

"Remember me, you bitch?" Judas asked.

"No. Do I know you?" I asked to piss him off.

He gritted his teeth.

"You're lucky I can't kill you. But I'll sure get you close to that point." He warned and I gave him thumbs up.

"What about you? You got any threats you wanna say?" I asked. Mar curiously.

He chuckled.

"It'll be an easy win that's all I'm saying."


I waved up a wall of smoke as wind and water flew sat me.

Of course they'd gang up on me first.

They probably wanna work together to take me sown then focus on each other

My wall began to dissolve so I jumped behind a rock.

I kept the wall up and snuck around.

Can I get near them?

They began to walk closer to my dissolving wall and I made my move.

Judas first.

I pounced on him and raised my knife.

"Ah! You cunt!"


I was blown off and sent crashing into the wall of the arena.

"Aw crap!"

I rolled away as a wave of water crashed down on to the spot where I was laying three seconds ago.

I ran around like a headless chicken for a while.

They boys were clearly having fun.

I looked up to a dark tinted glass box at the top of the seats.

That must be where the executives are.

Not the time!

I hissed as I was lifted off the ground and thrown into the air.

I tried to produce smoke but water drenched me.


The wind slowed down and I curled into a ball as I fell all the way to the rocky ground.

I groaned before I was pinned by water shooting down on me.

I couldn't breathe.

Don't panic! Don't panic!

Please don't panic!

I was lifted by a water tornado.

I spun around and held back the scream and throw up.

Finally, I was thrown back to the floor and everything went black.

Ow my head...

My ears were ringing as I slowly opened my eyes.

The boys had turned their attention to each other.

Should I stay down?

I want to. I'm in a lot of pain.

I reached out and smoke slithered around my fingers and slithered carefully to Judas' ankle.

Sorry bud.

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