61. Kiss

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"What?" King seemed taken aback.

"Who do you think is worse? Your aunt or your dad?"

He stared at me.

"I... I never thought of that. I don't know."

"Because your aunt is the head of The Academy who is known for its evil things. But your dad is The Department's head, but he knows and approves everything that The Academy does."

"Hmm." He thought out loud. "I... I don't know. I think they're both horrible people..."

I shrugged.

"No offense but I think it's your dad."

King laughed but I could see it made him a little sad.

Without thinking, I did it.

I grabbed the collar of his suit and pulled him down for a kiss.

His eyes went wide before closing.

He smiled and dropped his mask before cupping my face.

I don't know why I kissed him.

I just wanted to.

I should have probably asked if it was okay first.

"Sorry." I pulled away.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I should have asked if I could do it first."

"My only regret is that it wasn't me who kissed you first. But I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable.

"I'm also all sweaty, and covered in blood."

"I don't mind."

"I need to shower." I pushed the hair out of my face.

He glanced at the bathroom door and then at me.

He wiggled an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I guess you need to wash up too." I hummed.

"And you'll probably need help washing up." He said walking with me into the bathroom.

I closed the door and locked it.

I blushed as I dried off and got dressed. King hummed happily and stepped into his sweatpants.

"We shouldn't have taken so long. They're probably looking for you." I said brushing my hair.

"Nah. It's fine. I'll just say I needed some time alone." He walked over and kissed my forehead.

I blushed.

"Really? A blush after I was just inside you?"

I smacked him and he laughed.

"I don't mean to disappear so soon after, but you're right. I need to make sure no one is looking for me."

"That's fine. Good luck." I said and he gave me one final kiss before disappearing.

I finished getting ready before exiting the bathroom.

I laid on my bed and giggled as I remembered what we did in the shower.

"That... was actually really random." I whispered to myself.

I guess we were both still full of adrenaline. We needed to get it out some way.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but someone knocked on the door.


I got up and opened the door to find Ezra.

Oh great.

"Hey Bagger."

"I came to check on you."

"Oh. I'm fine."

"You got beat up pretty bad."

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Can I come in?"

"Oh... sure, why not?"

I stepped aside and he walked in.

I closed the door and hoped silently that King wouldn't appear randomly while Ezra was here.

I walked over and stopped about a yard away from Ezra.

He stared at me.

I gulped.

"So. What are you doing here?"

"Like I said. I came to check on you."

"And I told you I was fine."


"Are you sure Bird is gonna be okay alone? He's always following you around."

"He's busy right now."

"With Sebastian?"

He looked me up and down.

Oh god, what?

Suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips.

My eyes widened and I pushed him away.

"No. No, we're not doing that."

"Ah. I'm sorry." He said and I gulped.

I'm alone in a sound proof room and be kissed me.

No, Ezra isn't like that.

But his mom doesn't have the highest morals, what if she passed that onto him?

"I'll leave. I'm sorry."

And with that, he walked out the door.

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