45. Bye!

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"Why did you jump after me? I was gonna appear behind you."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot that abilities existed!"

He laughed.

"Aww, you do care about me!"

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes.

There was a crack and a snap before a loud bag rang out.

"Um, rude." King scoffed.

"You have five seconds to tell me how and what you're doing in my yard!" A big man with a beard and shot gun shouted coming toward us.

"Shit, King!" I hissed.

"Relax, we're fine."

I looked past the man aiming the gun at us and noticed a woman with two small boys inside the house.

The lady was trying to pull the kids away but clearly wanted to watch what was happening.

"Chill old man, we just needed a place to crash. We were just leaving."

"You shits aren't going anywhere!" The man shouted.

King laughed his very unique laugh and grabbed me.

"Ow." I said despite his grasp being gentle.

We disappeared and appeared behind the man.

"KING!" I hissed looking back as the lady and kids gasped. "Are you stupid, what did you do!?"

The man turned around and pointed the gun at us.

King kicked up at the gun just as he pulled the trigger.

I ducked and shielded myself.

"Those toys hurt people. Don't you EVER point that at Vera EVER again. Toodles!"

I hugged King's leg.

"Shit we left German on the mountain!"

And we disappeared again.


"Sorry German!"


"Come on, let's go."

He grabbed us both and we appeared in my room in my aunt's house.

My ears popped and I winced in pain.

"Alright. Hop into the shower, stinker." He ruffled my hair and I tried to punch him.

I dried off after my relaxing shower and after everyone finished was clean, we sat in a tiny circle.

"So Vera, my beloved, beautiful undercover spy, what new information do you have for us?"

"Wait what?" I blinked.

"Yeah, like, what are the Department folks up to?"

"Since when am I your undercover spy?"

"What do you mean?" King tilted his head confused.

"What do you mean what do I mean? I never agreed to anything!"

He pouted and German the goat chewed on his shirt, watching intently.

"Come on, Zammy! We need you! I need you!"

"I still don't trust you!"

We began to go back and forth with the arguments, he begged, I refused.

"Sigh!" King hugged German who seemed happy to receive cuddles. "I guess we should get you back to your Department house."


"Okay, come on."

"By the way, why do you have clothes here?" I asked as we piled into the car.

"For emergencies."

I nodded slowly.

"And why are we driving? Can't you teleport us?"

"Yeah, but it's nice feeling human sometimes." King said flying past a stop sign.

"Hey!" I gasped.

"What?" He asked.

"You can't just... RED LIGHT, SLOW DOWN!"

"WEEE!" King cheered and German the dog howled excitedly.

I screamed and curled into a ball in fear.

"If you're gonna kill yourself, don't drag me into it!" I shouted as we sped down the busy streets of the San Gabriel Valley.

"I'm not gonna kill myself or any of us!" He laughed.

"Shit, cops!" I sunk into my seat as sirens wailed and lights flashed behind us.

"Wee, let's kill them!" King smiled excitedly.

"Let's not!?" I shouted and German howled.

"Vera, this is a stolen car. But I believe there's a gun in-"


"Oh, it's a stolen-"


"Then why did you..."

"I'm going to kill you! Let me jump out right now!"

"Jump out? You're crazy!"

"I'm crazy!? I'm crazy!?

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