27. Strong

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"I don't believe this! King! You brainwashed my sister!?"

"If you listen, I can explain everything." King walked closer to me.


I pulled out my daggers and charged at him.


King disappeared and suddenly my blades were on the floor, my arms crossed around my body.

"Let go of me!" I demanded and tried to free my body.

"Not if you're going to get violent."

I tried to fight him off but it was no use.

He was stronger.

"Let. Go."

"Are you ready to listen?"

"To BS? No!"

"Vera! Listen to King! He knows what he's talking about, he's high in The Academy!"

"Even worse!"

"Vera, please!"

"No! We're leaving! Both you and I, and you're going to tell The Department everything!"

"No! Sit and listen to King!"

I stopped fighting.

I could use my ability.

I could get him off me with smoke but Julia would see.

Lantern told me not to use it.

But she knows I have an ability.

What do I do!?

"I'm leaving."

"Vera! Please!"

"I tried telling you earlier. The Academy and The Department. There the same thing." King said not letting me go.

"Shut your mouth...."

"It's true." Julia wiped her eyes.


I shoved him off and stomped to the door.

"Wait. Do this for your sister." King appeared in front of me.

"You twisted her mind. You poisoned her." I snapped.

"No he didn't. We're working to overturn them both, Vera."

"Why!? The Department is what's keeping us alive!"

"From the evil they created! You can't have good without having evil!" Julia walked next to King.

I examined King's face. His left eye was green and his right was blue. I looked up at his dirty blond hair and tanish skin.

"What are you talking about?"

"How did The Department come to life?"

"After people were tired of the police failing to catch the criminals running rampant across the world."

"Nope. They tried to come to life years before." King said. "But they could never get all the attention they wanted. A year later, The Academy was born."

"So what?"

"Who's the founder of The Department?"

"I don't know. Some old guy."

"Then I'm guessing you don't know that The Academy was founded by his twin sister? I don't blame you. No one really knows any of this. They kept it hush hush." King said.

"And how would you know any of this?" I huffed.

"Because she's my aunt. Grace William and Martin William is my dad. The great old founder of The Department." King smiled.

"Do you know how easy that lie is to make up? How easy it must be for you to lie?" I asked.

"Oh, it's incredibly easy." King nodded.

"I'm leaving. And also," I pushed past them then turned back to look at them. "why would you be trying to overthrow them both if you're related? You seem quite happy killing and being in your position."

"Oh, I definitely love what I do and where I am, but it's getting out of hand."

"And what would Ezra say if I told him all this?"

"Obviously that I'm lying and to stay far away from me. He'd be out of a job if this got out."

"So you're telling me he knows?"

"Of course he knows. He's my cousin. His mom is Grace."

"If your dad is Martin William, why is your last name Ransom?"

"My dad wanted me to take my less famous mom's last name. Same for Ezra. Less famous daddy's last name. Calburt." King sat at the table.

"But... Lantern is friends with Ezra's parents... does that mean..."

"Yup. He knows too. And he's been sworn to protect Ezra. And me. He's my godfather too."

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