18. Hi There

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Rip looked exhausted.

He's been training nonstop since we found out the news a month ago.

We all have, but they've been working him the hardest.

Lantern looked nervous.

He has been arguing with a few of the handlers including Chip for a while, quietly so we couldn't hear what they said.

"What do you think they're arguing about?" Nora asked me.

"I'm not sure. Nothing good I'm guessing." I whispered back.

"Hey, I can't teleport!" Rip looked happy and Liam smiled.

He looked tired.

I hardly ever see him smile.

Lantern looked over uncomfortably.

"Oh, good..."

"What's wrong?" Jessie asked.

"Nothing." Chip glanced at my other handler.

"Alright, all of you have been training for months. We have been tipped off as to the location of The Traveling Reaper's next move. Now that we may have a way to stop him, it is all of our jobs to do so. Now that we have all the kinks worked out of your suits, get ready for your first mission." Ezra said.

"Isn't it too soon?" Aaliyah asked.

"When would be a better time?" Ezra asked.

We were all silent.

"Good. Now. Everyone suit up. It's go time." Be said and glanced at me.

I bet he felt real cool saying that.

We all got ready.

I was shaking.

There's no way six months of training is enough time to take on a highly skilled assassin! We're still new to all of this!

We all piled in to the van.

I stared at the seat with handcuffs and other restrains in front of me/.

Are we really gonna ride with him?

We were all silent the whole two hours we drove.

"Alright. We're here." Lantern fixed his suit while Liam and Ezra opened the door. "Come on. Let's go."

We all stood up and hopped out.

I was stiff.

"Alright kiddos. No need to worry. Just do your best." Lantern smiled.

Easy for you to say, you've been doing this for like, 12 years. We're new as new can be!

Chip stepped out and I put on my mask.

She went over the plan and then we were released into the building. Sebastian and I stuck together as everyone grouped up and split up.

We went up the steps and I pressed my ear to each door before we went in.

"Dum dum dum DUM dum dum dum dum."

We both froze.

There was a scream, the sound of something slicing and then silence.

Then the duming went on.

"Chip, Lantern! 14 floor!"

"Do not engage! We will be right there!"


"Copy? Copy what?""

We both spun around to see a tall man.

He was about 6'6, wore a hooded robe, a ski mask and sunglasses.

Sebastian and I shot smoke and fire at him but he disappeared.

"Now now, kids. Play nice." Two arms slithered over our shoulders.

Sebastian, who's code name is Phoenix, set himself on fire and I turned and tried to stab The Traveling Reaper.

"Whoa there, kiddo, sharp blades hurt. Just like this one." He pulled out a scythe from his robe and swung at us.

I gritted my teeth, he was way to fast to dodge so I put up a wall of solid smoke.

"Woah, cool!" He laughed.

Sebastian grabbed the scythe and pulled it towards us, but The Traveler held on.

"Nuh uh uh! This is my toy! Get your own!" He laughed.

Sebastian had to let go to avoid getting his hands cut off.

"X!" I looked at Phenix who pulled me out of the way as our opponent swung at me.

"What should we do!?" I whispered as we got to our feet and ran.

"You should probably stop running if you want to be heroes." The Traveler appeared in front of us.

I yelp as Sebastian pulled out a hand gun and shot her The Traveler in the stomach.

The Traveler whistled.

"Nice shot buddy!"

Why is he so weird!?

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