42. Throw up

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"You expect me to do nothing!?" I shouted and he covered my mouth.

"No one can now you're here. I'm not even supposed to be here. If they find out we're here, especially together, that's bad news." King said.

"I need to help!"

"Vera, listen. Do you know who's gonna be angry about all this?" He asked.

"Everyone that survived!?"

"Exactly. That's new recruits for The Department. Cheap and easy access to new disposable people." He said.

"How can you say that!?"

"Because that's what both The Department and The Academy think."

I looked back at the chaos.

People were running and I could hear first responders on their way.

"Let's get out of here."

The four of us teleported down the mountain.

I could see the smoke from here.

I need to help.

I need to.

But I haven't mastered distance yet. I can't help from here.

What do I do!?

The black cloaked person put out a hand and a screen appeared.

It was three firefighters in full gear walking and looking around.

"Help... please!"

They looked down to see a severely burned person on the floor.

"Another one." The middle one said and the one on the left nodded to the one on the right.

He pulled out a hose and sprayed the person who screamed in pain.

After the cloud of smoke subsided from the injured person, I slapped a hand over my mouth.

They were charcoaled and their arms close to their chest.

They were dead and left in a worse condition than before.

"Damn it." One of them said and pointed at a small girl running away.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go kill her." Another said and they ran off.

Wind blew into my face and I could feel the coldness against my tear stained face.

Then I threw up.

God I threw up like never before.

"Come on, Vera. You need to calm down a bit so I can take you back to your room."

"Why would you show me that!? I know why, but why!? Why is this happening!?"

"Because none of this is gonna show up in the news. It might be big, but they're poor. No one cares. I'd be surprised if Lantern tells you about this."

"So I can't say I know..."


I closed my eyes and got dizzy.

I stumbled and hit my head on something hard.

"Vera!" Someone shouted.

I was leaning against something hard, my eyes still closed.

Whatever I was leaning against was pulled open and I fell.

"Oh my god, is she okay!?"


"Vera, are you alright!?" Lantern sat me up and I opened my eyes.

I'm gonna be sick.


"She's bleeding from her head!"

"Thank you, Chip, I can see that!"

"Let me help!" Luna crouched down and put her hands on me.

I winced as my head stung. Then the pain disappeared.

But I still felt sick.

I still wanted to throw up.

"Come on, kid. Let's get you to the restroom and clean you up." Lantern pulled me to my feet and helped me to the bathroom.

I pushed him off and threw up in the toilet.

God damn it.

I threw up till all I had left was stomach acid coming out.

It tasted almost worse than the actual throw up.

Someone was holding my hair back.

"What's wrong with her?" Rome asked.

Great. I have an audience.

"Let her calm down then we'll ask." Chip said.

I sat up and wiped the tears and chucks of food off my face.

This situation... it sucks.

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