37. Gift Wrapping 

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"Damn it." I whispered as the wrapping paper folded incorrectly.

"What cha doing?"

I covered the gift and looked over my shoulder at King.

"Nothing, get out!"

"Why? Dinner is ready."

"Okay, I'll be right there, now scat!"

"Are you wrapping gifts? Why don't you want me to see?"

"Just get out!"

"Okay okay."

He turned and left.

I sighed and looked down at the gift I got King.

It was a grim reaper plushie.

I blushed.

I didn't know what to get him and this reminded me of him.

He's spending Christmas with us.

I don't want him to not have a gift to open tomorrow morning.

I could hear King singing softly and the sound of dishes being taken out of the cupboard.

I finished the gift wrapping and sighed.

I'm not very good at this, Sebastian helped me wrap my other gifts.

But this will have to do.

I wrote King's name on the sticker and walked to the mini Christmas tree.

I put down the gift and turned to see Julia asleep on the couch with a snoozing chicken on her stomach.

I should make chicken soup.

Or would that be cannibalism?


"Should we wake them?" King walked up, wiping his hands on a towel.

"I'll do it." I said looking at German.

"Um, it's fine. I got it." King said and woke them up.

I walked over to the kitchen and saw he made creamy and cheesy chicken with pasta.

My mouth was watering.

"Oh, here's your credit card back." Julia yawned.

"Thanks." He put it in his pocket and German turned back human.

He stretched and sat at the table.

"I'm famished." He began to dig in.

"Wait for everyone!" King chided.

We all sat down and dug in.

Shoot, this is delicious.

"This is amazing!" Julie smiled. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. I just hope your aunt and cousins come home before it gets too cold."

"They should be home soon." I said before drinking some freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Holy, this is great!

King and German began to talk about their next hit and Julie listened.

I tried not to hear.

Finally, I finished my food, washed my dishes and went to text Sebastian.

He answered and told me he'd text me later cause he was busy.

I sighed and looked at the mini Christmas tree.

It's cute.

I like it.

The one back at The Department's house was huge.

I have no idea how they decorate it from one day to the next.

And where do they put it all away?

"What's on your mind?" Julia asked.

"Nothing. I'm just upset I'll have to go back after tomorrow."

"You don't have to!"

"I do, Julia."

"No you don't!"

"I do! Who knows what they'll do if I don't go back."

"We'll protect you! Isn't that right, King?"

King looked up from the dishes he was drying.

"I don't know. I think it's better if she goes back. They gave her an ability they can't get back. I'm sure nothing good will come of her refusing to return."

Julia sighed.

"But having her on our team would be so helpful. Can't you talk to your dad?"

"No. I'm not supposed to have contact with her whatsoever."

Julia let out another sad sigh.

"German! Get away from that chocolate cake! That's for when we all have dessert later tonight!" King shouted.

"Aww." German sighed.

The next morning we all opened our gifts.

"Hey, a grim reaper plushie!" King laughed and hugged me. "Thanks! It's the cutest thing ever!"

"Uh, yeah. You're welcome." I blushed.

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