33. Duh

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"I bet Ezra knows." I grumbled.

"Why would he know?"

"Isn't his mom The Academy head?"

"Yeah, but our parents can be secretive." King said and I head something crunch from his microphone.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

I was a bit suspicious but I didn't press it.

I was to nervous.

I glanced up at the ceiling.

A smoke alarm!

I took a deep breath and blew out some smoke. After I had enough, I floated it up to the alarm.


The sprinklers went off.

Thankfully my new suit was fully sealed off and I stayed dry.

"Good job, now get out of there!" Julie urged.

"Did you really need me for this? Couldn't you start a small fire?" I asked.

"Hurry. And don't get caught buy those evacuating the building." King ordered.

I ran through the halls and looked for a way out. I poked my head out the window I came from but saw people standing outside.

I'll get caught.

I'll look for an elevator. 

Crap, will they work if the fire alarm is going off?

I walked around for a few minutes and then found an elevator.

No one will be stupid enough to use one of these if they think there's an actual fire.

I stepped in and was about to press the first floor.

Hopefully there's no to many people there.

Or I could go to the roof. Make stairs to the dense tree line and escape there.

It's dark so I won't be seen.

I hope.

I pressed the top button and up I went.

Why does this thing still work, they should shut off if the fire alarm is going off.


I stepped out and water crept into the elevator as the doors opened.


I looked down the hall and saw a man running towards me.


There was a flash of light and his head hit the wall as his body fell to the floor.

The Traveling Reaper readjusted his scythe.

"Did you just cut his head off!?"

"I did."

"You just killed him!"

"WHAT!? YOU MEAN CUTTING SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF KILLS THEM!? I'VE BEEN KILLING PEOPLE ALL THIS TIME!? NO! NOOO!" He dropped his weapon and fell to his knees holding his head.

"Shut up! You're going to get us caught!" I hissed running up to him.

"I don't sense any fire around here."


"Are you sure?" A voice asked.


"What's Sebastian doing here?" I asked confused.

"Hurry up and get out of here. Meet your sister and go." King ordered.

He gently pushed me towards the balcony door.

"What about you?"

"Just go!"

I hurried out.

I put a piece of smoke in between the door and wall and peered in.

"It's The Traveling Reaper!" Sebastian gasped.

"Hurry, get the student out of here!"

"But sir! Sebastian protested.

"Go! The next generation is more important to me!" An older, good looking man said.

Sebastian was taken away and King put his hands in the air.

"Hello, my dearest papa!"

"King, what are you doing here?" The man who I'm guessing is Martin William sighed.

"Just came to see you since my own father won't make time to see me for Christmas."

"King, I told you. You're to old for gifts. And I'm busy, son." Martin walked over and pulled King's hood down and mask off.

I could hear him pout from over here.

"Your aunt says you're acting mischievously."

"That I am."

"Do you have your next targets?"

"I do! I can't wait to kill some more people!"

"Don't say that with that grin on your face. And why did you kill so many of my men?"

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