63. Date

9 0 0

I stared at the wall.

It's been a few weeks and not much has happened.

King hasn't even texted me since back then.

I picked my phone up but there were no notifications.

I sighed and put it back down.

We have the rest of the day off so I have nothing to do.


I sighed. It's probably a spam text message.

Picking it up, my eyes widened.


We need to talk.

Oh god. He's probably gonna say something like, we messed up and we can never meet up again.

After he set the time and place, I started to get ready.

I hopped out the window and walked to the park.

I stopped at a tunnel and looked into the darkness.

I took a deep breath before walking in.

"Hello?" I called out and looked around.

I turned my flashlight on but it wasn't much help.


I jumped and spun around.

King winced at the light and I sighed with relief.

"You freakin scared me."

"I've been following you for five minutes." He smiled and fixed his hood.

"You really are a freak."

"Can this freak give you a kiss?"

"Huh?" I turned red.

"I haven't seen you in weeks. I wanna know if I have permission to kiss you."

"You're a cereal killer. You're insane."

"That I am."

"Why should I let you kiss me if we're working for different sides." I grabbed his hoodie and pulled him closer.

"Because you want to kiss me too."

I tiptoed and he leaned down.

We kissed for a few minutes before pulling away.

"I've missed you." He said.

"I thought you got what you wanted and moved on." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug.

"No. Never. I've just been really busy with The Academy."

He led me to the wall where we sat.

I leaned my head against him.

"So when are you gonna bring both groups down?" I asked.

"Soon. I'm still working on my plan."

"And you need my help... I don't get how I can be of any use. I'm low grade."

He held me closer.

"You're higher than a civilian. Wanna go on a date?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"A date?"

"Yeah. High level teens with access to big money are throwing a party and I'm invited. And I wanna take you."

"Is it Academy kids?"

"And Department kids. And just rich kids in general."

"Is it really safe? What if Ezra goes?"

You'll be wearing a mask. But if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to go."

"When is it?"


"And you tell me this now!?"

"Like I said, I was busy!" He put his hands up.

It was dark but my eyes had adjusted by now.

I sighed.

"What mask would I wear?"

"What about mine? You can be a mini me!"

"Oh my lord."


"Nothing. I guess we can do it."

"Wanna go to my place to get you ready? Make sure everything fits?" He asked.

"Alright. Ow!"

The light was suddenly bright and we were in a new place.

It was huge but...

"Where are the doors?" I asked.

"There's no doors. I can just teleport wherever I want."

"How many rooms are there?" I asked looking at the bed.

"Uh... I forgot."

"Is it that big!?"


I looked around and King walked to a wardrobe.

He pulled out a leather dress and held it out for me.

I looked down at my stomach.

It was much smaller than before, but I still felt self conscious.

"Don't I need a faja?"

"What's that?"

"Like... a corset?"

"Oh. I don't think you need one but if it would make you feel better."

He disappeared and reappeared with a faja.

"Do you need help putting on the clothes or do you want some privacy?"

"I'll call you if I need help."

He nodded and disappeared.

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