4. Second Chance?

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I dried off my hair after a much needed shower.

I have no where to go so sweats and shirt it is.

I threw myself onto the couch and opened a bag of chips.

Flipping threw the tv, there was nothing to watch.

Knock knock knock.

I sat up and looked around.

Darn, I have to get that, don't I?

I dusted my hands off and headed to the door

When opened, I saw Lantern and a woman.

"Ah, good evening, Vera. How are you?" Lantern asked.

"I'm alright. How is your calf, sir?"

"Oh, just peachy! I needed a few stitches but nothing I couldn't handle." Lantern smiled.

"Now that we've got formalities out of the way, why don't we talk?" The woman asked and then blinked. "Where are my manners? I'm Chip."

"It's nice to meet you, Chip. Would you like to come in?" I asked.

"Sure." Lantern said and I lead them to the kitchen table.

"Would you two like anything to drink?" I asked.

"Do you have lemonade?" Lantern looked excited and Chip gave him the side eye.

"Umm..." I looked through the fridge and found some. "Yup. Chip, would you like any?"

"Okay." She nodded.

I poured three glasses and brought them to the table.

Lantern chugged his cup and held it out to me with a smile just as I was about to sit.

"Lantern!" Chip scowled.

"I'll just bring the pitcher." I brought it over and poured some more in his cup.

"Okay, now let's get down to business." Chip gave Lantern the side eye as he blew bubbles into his drink with a metal straw he pulled from his pocket.

I nodded, also watching the man.

"So you took the beginning test. Didn't go so well, did it?" Chip asked and Lantern shook his head.

"No, it didn't." I said and she nodded.

"I hear you partner Judas screwed you both over?"

"That's correct." I said and held my cup nervously.

"Ezra was interested in your skills, you know. That's not very common."

"Thank you."

"Thank Ezra and Liam. They were our scouts."

I nodded.

"We'd like to offer you a position in The Department." Lantern said finally coming up for air, red faced.

I almost tipped my cup over, spilling some yellow liquid on the table.


"Mhm! We are starting a new program and would like to enter you into it."

"Do I get paid?"

"After you complete your training of course." Chip said and I nodded.

I can do this... I have to do this!

"Perfect! Go pack a bag!" Lantern said and I stood up.

It felt like time had slowed down and my muscles stiffened.

"Lantern! Get that straw out of that pitcher!"

I walked into my shared room and Julia looked up from her bed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I've been accepted into The Department. I'm leaving right now." I gulped.

Thank god my bladder is empty or I'd have pissed all over the floor.

"WHAT!? You can't leave!"

She jumped to her feet and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"I did it, Jules. I made it in..."

"NO! It's to dangerous!"

"That's why they'll train me properly."

"You think they care about you?! You're a poor orphan Mexican! You're a minority, they're a big ass corporation! They don't care about you!"

"Julia, you're overreacting. I'll send you money as soon as I'm done training.

I turned and began to pack my bag.

I could hear Julia crying on her bed.

I felt bad but she'll change her mind when she sees me bringing in all this money.

I know she will.

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