51. Later

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"Oh, he is? What's he doing there?"

I could hear him moving things around.

"He's apparently making a trial to help those who are already in The Department who want to get different jobs within like doctors."

"As far as I know, that's not true. How did this come up?"

I told King and he snorted.

"I'm pretty sure he just lied to get you off his back. Ow!"

"What happened?" I asked.

"I burned myself cooking."

"What are you cooking?" I rolled on to my stomach on the bed.

"Shrimp scampi."

"Oh. Sounds good. I've never had that actually."

"Want me to take you some?"

"I'll pass. Oh!"

"What?" He asked.

"I forgot I'm ignoring you." I twirled some hair around my finger.


"You almost killed me that one day and you killed a bunch of cops."

"They're just cops!"

"They're people."

"People shmiple."

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you and your dad close?" I asked.

"Hmm. I do have a few good memories growing up. He'd always hug and kiss me. He'd hold me when I was scared and tell me I was making him proud when I succeeded at school, sports or training. So... I guess?"

"Aww, that's cute."

"He's a bit more distant now that's he's busy and I changed over to The Academy, but he tries to make up for it with gifts and money. I don't mind much."

"Wait, you use to work for The Department?"

"Yeah, I told you when we first met."


"I was "too aggressive and sadistic" for my father's vision of heroes."

I nodded slowly.

"Understandable. So your father sent you away?"

"Yup. Although we had to make this whole scene where I betrayed and tried to kill him."

"Oh. That's fun." I tucked the hair strand behind my ear.

"Yeah. Hey, wanna come to the nearby park tonight?" He asked.


"Just to hang out." 

"Did you forget I'm upset at you?"

"Nope. Just come out later."

I sighed.

"I guess I can sneak out."

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I got up and went to the library.


I know I saw it around here somewhere...

Here it is!

I grabbed the book and sat on the floor.

I flipped through a few pages and then found what I was looking for.

A picture of King smiling and holding a demon mask with horns was printed on the page.

His name use to be Morning Light?


And why'd he change it?

I looked through the pages and found pictures of King with Ezra and Liam as well as the other girl from that party we went to.

Unfortunately, I forgot her name.

He was really successful in his fights. Him and Ezra were at the top.

I flipped the page and saw Lantern with his arms around King who was smiling and an annoyed looking Ezra.

King had the first place medal and Ezra had number 2.

In fact, in a lot of photos it looks like Ezra was beaten by King.

I heard the door open and I jumped before scrambling to put away the book.

I felt like I was caught reading a dirty comic.

"What are you doing?"

I turned to see Ezra and Liam.

God, Ezra still looks like his younger self.

Angry but handsome.

"Just... looking around."

"You're in the restricted zone." Liam announced.

"Oh... why not keep the restricted books under lock and key?"

"Because we thought adults could follow simple directions." Ezra walked up to me.

"Right. That's my bad. I'll leave."

I squeezed by and hurried away.

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