10. Up

21 1 0

I slowly opened my eyes.

They burned and my throat stung.

I coughed and sat up, holding my aching chest.

I couldn't get enough air in.

"Are you alright?"

I looked over and jumped.

Sebastian was in bandages wraps, sitting on a chair next to my bed.

"Are you-"

I went into another coughing fit and he grimaced as he poured a cup of water for me.


I took a sip and winced in pain.

"What happen to you?" I asked.

"Burns. They're not to bad, second degree burns, but they hurt. Bird said I should recover quickly. About a week or so."

"How did it happen?" I asked sitting up with a groan.

My head is killing me.

"They're the affects from our abilities. Mine is fire. Yours is smoke."

"What? You can't be serious, Sebastian."

"I am unfortunately."

"But that's impossible. Besides, they didn't ask for consent to do this! And they didn't disclose what the pills did!"

"Unfortunately, they didn't force any of us to take the abilities. They didn't coax us to get into the pod. They were very clear on what would happen after we got in the pod. They also did say the pill was to prepare out bodies for any changes. Legally, there's nothing we can do."

"I bet they didn't tell you you would end up with 2nd degree burns! And they didn't tell me I would be in this much pain!"

"I have a feeling they didn't know this would happen."

"Why!? Are you saying they never tested this before?"

There was a knock and the door opened.

"Vera, you're awake!" Lantern smiled and walked in with Ezra and Liam.

I glared.

"How are-"

"How am I feeling!? Like total shit! My head hurts, my eyes hurt, my stomach hurts, my throat hurts, Sebastian has second degree burns all over his body and-!"

I went into a coughing fit.

Black smoke burst from my lips and made me cough even more.

"Well, we'll just have to help train you to control that, won't we? Liam, make a note of that."

"Already done." He replied.

"Let the doctors check you over." Chip walked in with the two doctors from earlier.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I shouted and my throat and eyes burned.

"No, Vera, calm down!" Lantern said and tears filled my eyes.

Why? I don't feel like crying?

Sebastian stood up and backed away.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped and everyone stared at me.

I looked down and saw two daggers made of smoke floating in front of me.

"What the?"

They dissolved and Lantern clapped.

"Very good, Vera, very good! Liam, are you getting this all down?"

"Sure am, sir."

"Sir, Sebastian is on fire." Ezra said calmly and we all looked over.

"I am? Oh... oops." Sebastian's whole body was in flames and he began to try and pat himself out.

He didn't seem to concerned.

Has this happened before?

"I got it. Sebastian, try to relax. Close your eyes and don't breathe."

Chip grabbed the fire extinguisher from the hall and put Sebastian out.


"Seems like intangibility got stuck in bed again." Chip said handing Sebastian a sheet to cover himself with as his clothes were burned. "Sebastian, let the doctors rebandage you."

"Okay." Sebastian nodded.

"Vera, let the nice doctors check you over, okay? Ezra, you come help me unstick intangible over here." Lantern said and they left.

I glared.

But I was in pain so hopefully they can help.

The female doctor walked over to me while the male doctor led Sebastian away.

I wonder why he came to visit me.

The doctor checked me out and nodded.

"So? Are you gonna give me something to help with the pain?" I asked.

The doctor turned and left.


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