48. Umm

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I was right.

Sebastian was too nervous to speak.

Good thing I remembered both of our scripts.

"Any... questions?" I asked glancing at Sebastian's handlers.

A few hands shot up.


"Have you ever killed anyone?" The little girl asked excitedly.

"Uh... no."

"That's boring." She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Okay.... Anyone else?"

A few hands stayed up.

"Um, yes?"

"Why are you fat?"

I hate kids...

"Okay! Thank you Vera and Sebastian!" The principal took our microphones and we walked down the steps.

That was a disaster.

"Good job!" Vitamin smiled.

"Can we go now?" I sighed.

"Sure." We left and were picked up by Luna, Jessie and their handlers.

"How did it go?" Luna asked.

"It sucked." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I froze." Sebastian groaned and held his head.

"You're okay. I had it somewhat under control."

"I should have stood up to that lady for being racist to you!"

"Sebastian, it's fine. We couldn't do anything anyway."

"Wait, someone was racist to you?" Jessie asked and I told them what happened.

"And you guys didn't say anything?" Luna frowned at Sebastian's handlers. 

"Not much we could have said." Carbon shrugged.

"Uh, how about, shut the fuck up!?"

"Luna, we have a certain standards we need to be at. Picking a fight wouldn't fit that." Jayce said.

"That's still no excuse for letting someone ridicule someone else! Especially one of your students!" Jessie snapped.

"Calm down. What's done is done." Check, one of his handlers put a hand on his shoulder.

We drove in silence to the high school where Ezra and Liam were with my handlers.

"They should have been out by now." Carbon checked his watch.

"Vera. Sebastian. Why don't you two go see what the hold up is?" Vitamin asked and I shrugged.

We got out of the car and headed inside.

"Hello?" I asked looking around but the front desk was abandoned.

"Um, maybe we just walk in?" Sebastian suggested.

"We might not have a choice. They're probably also at the assembly." I nodded.

"Where do you think the cafeteria is?"

"It might be in the gym." I said as we walked around.

"Great. Why don't we just call them?" Sebastian peeked into a room.

"Good idea." I took my phone out and called Chip.


"Hey Chip. We were sent to find you but we don't know where you guys are at."

"We're in the field."

"Oh. Is it okay if we come over?"

"Sure. Girls are just flirting with the boys."

"Why would they wanna do that?"

Chip let out a ha and then told us to hurry up.

I hung up.

"Come on. Chip says the boys are being flirted with."

"Even Liam?"

"I would think so." I shrugged and he looked uncomfortable.

"Do you think he's gay? Or at least bisexual?"

I blinked and looked at him before smirking.

"Why? You gotta crush on Bird?"

"No! I mean... I don't know. If he asked me for tea I wouldn't say no..." He said as we walked outside and down some stairs.

I giggled and hugged his arm.

"Adorable. I'll do some digging for you."

"What, no!"

I laughed before we turned the corner and found girls and guys surrounding Ezra and Liam. A few teachers were talking to Chip and Lantern.

Laughs erupted from the group surrounding the student teachers and Ezra locked eyes with me.

"So does everyone have their flyers? Keep those. They have important information and how to contact us." Ezra spoke up before walking towards us with Liam close behind.

Liam stared at Sebastian who was looking down at his shoes.

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