49. So?

6 1 0

"How did it go?" Ezra asked me.

"A lady was racist towards me and a kid called me fat. I don't think they payed much attention either."

"Wait what?" Ezra asked looking taken aback.

"Hey, Bagger!" Three giggling girls walked over, obviously hyping the front one up.

"Yes?" Ezra glanced at me before looking back at the girls.

"Um, so I was just wondering! Um... so I was like... it would be really cool if like... I could get your number or social media?"

All the girls giggled and everyone watched.

"My work phone is on the flyer. You can text me for any further information on The Department. As for my social media, I don't have one open to the public."

"Oh... okay."

"Come on! Ask!" One of the girls urged.

"Um... would you maybe like to go out on a date?" She hid her face and her friends giggled loudly.

"I'm sorry. I'm not currently looking for a relationship. Have a good day. Let's go."

The girl looked like she was close to tears.

Her friends were comforting her.

"You have social media?" I asked curiously.

"Of course I do."

"What do you post on it?"

He glanced at me.

"Weapons, cars, boat trips. Normal stuff."

"Can we see?" We all looked at Sebastian.

No one expected him to speak up.

"Sure." Ezra said as we got into the car.

He handed us the phone and all The Department students gathered around to see what he posted.

It was a lot of shirtless pics, weapons, cars, car races, boats, him surrounded by girls and Liam, more shirtless pics, him posing in the mirror... shirtless, pool parties. Blah blah blah.

He does have nice abs though.

"You have over 22 million followers!?" We all gasped.

"They're Department workers and my family."

I clicked on his close friends list and looked for King.

I have a feeling he's here.

There was 15 people. 


"Who's... HA!" Jessie began to laugh when he read the name.

"Who?" He looked and Luna pointed with a laugh.

"Ah. That's my cousin."

He took back his phone.

"Can we follow you?" Jessie asked.


I took my phone out and went on social media.


I followed him and he followed me back.

I went into King's profile but it was private.

Damn. I wanted to see what he posted.

I glanced at Sebastian and saw him chitchatting with Liam.


"How did it go with the high schoolers?" Jessie asked as we pulled into the driveway.

"It was alright. They seemed interested"

"So, we visited all poor schools. When do we visit the rich ones?" I asked when we joined everyone in the living room.

"We don't visit the rich kid schools." Ezra sat next to me and opened his energy drink.

"What, why not?"

"Parents don't want their kids putting their lives on the line and want them to become other things like doctors."

"Wait, what? So we just recruit the poor kids to get themselves killed?"

"No. We have plenty of rich fighters." Lantern stepped in. "We usually just recruit for fighters since that's our area of expertise. The Department doctor and engineer teachers will go recruiting for their sections later."

We were all uneasy.

None of us liked the answer.

It was pretty obvious that Lantern was just trying to cover up what Ezra admitted.

"So... most of the actual fighting people are poor?" Maynard asked.

"I don't have an actual percentage of anything." Lantern said

We were all quiet and glanced around at each other.

We didn't like what we heard.

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