34. Sigh

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"It would have looked weirder if I came to see you and let them live." King said tossing his scythe from hand to hand.

"Stop tossing that around. You're going to poke an eye out." His father sighed.

"I do a lot more than just poke people's eyes out with this bad boy." He raised the scythe over his head triumphantly.

I watched and then realized how stupid I was. Martin has 10 bodyguards around him and they don't know me.

If I'm spotted, who knows if King can stop them.

I hurried into the tree like and looked around.

"Julie, where are you?" I asked.

"I'll meet you at the car!" She whispered.

"Julie!" I hissed before falling from the step of smoke.

I swallowed my scream as I fell and hit the floor.

Ow ow ow.

I pushed myself up and looked around.

Thankfully the fall wasn't that high up, but I'm definitely gonna be sore in the morning.

I climbed up the hill I slid down from and made my way to the car.

My arm really hurts.

So do my ribs.

King has the keys, that ass.

Or maybe Julie does.

I don't think they trusted me to not drive away.

I hid behind a bush for about 15 minutes before Julie hopped out from behind a tree.


"I'm right here." I got up and Julia took out her keys.

"Come on, let's go." She said and I looked around.

"What about King?"

"He said he'll meet us back home."

"We can't just leave him!"

She smiled as we got into the car.

"Catching feeling for King?" She asked.

"No! He's a murderer! He's insane!"

"I guess you're right. Maybe it's better you don't date a guy like him." She said.

I took my mask off and pushed some hair behind my ear.

I examined it. It had three holes. Two for my eyes and one for my mouth. Staples surrounded the wholes and I shivered.

I'd hate to see myself standing in a dark alleyway wearing this.

She drove the big car down the mountain and I thought of Ezra.

What's he doing now?

And what's Sebastian doing here?

Is it true that he's considered Department property?

That's kinda rude.

It's horrible to hear he got disowned for being gay.

We drove on with no problem.

No one stopped us.

No one questioned us.

No one was around.

Where is everyone?

Did King kill everyone?

Or do they recognize his car and can't see in because of the tinted windows?

I held my head.

I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind.

Everything I knew is coming undone.

"Why'd you have to join this organization?" I sighed. "Why'd you have to mess with this?"

"Would you have rather stayed oblivious and stayed working for a fake ass Department?"

"Yes. Yes I would actually."

Julie shook her head.

"You're an idiot." She said.

"No, you're an idiot!"

"No, I'm trying to rid the world from evil, you want to live in obliviousness because it makes you feel better!"

"I don't know if I even trust King! He's not a good person! He's a psychopath!"

"He literally called Ezra and German to show you that they are friendly with each other!"

"It could have been fake! I don't trust King!" I shouted.

"Because you're delusional!" Julie argued.

"I don't know who to trust anymore!" I wailed.

"Us! Trust me! I'm your sister! Don't you think I want that best for you!?"

"You can't be sure! You can't be positive that he's being truthful!"

"I've never trusted The Department!" Julie snapped.

"So it's clouding your judgment! You can't be sure!"

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