24. Hey...Hey, Vera

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"Strange boy. Girl, I love your hair. Did you do it yourself?"

"No, my teammate Gemma did it for me."

"It's so nice. And so is your make up. And I LOVE your outfit."

"Thank you." I blushed.

"I heard about The Traveling Reaper escaping. I'm sorry about that." Lisa frowned.

I looked down. I still felt ashamed and guilty.

"It's fine. We'll catch them."


I turned as I heard Sebastian's voice but I didn't see him.

I turned around again.

"Hey...Hey Vera!"

I looked around. No one else seemed to hear him.

"Come here!"

I looked at Ezra. He was busy talking.

I doubt I'm obligated to stick with him anyway.

I left and walked towards the open window.


"Come here! I found this cool fountain!"

"What are you doing outside?"

"Come here!"

I looked around.

"Fine, I'll be right... out?" Sebastian was already walking away.

I found a staircase and walked down the steps.

"Sebby? Where did you go?"

"Over here! Follow me!"

All the hairs on my body stood up.

"Seb, I don't know if we're allowed out here...."

"Over here!"

"I have a bad feeling about this... I'm heading back inside..."

"No! Come here!"

"Ugh, fine!"

I follow the voice and entered the maze of rosebushes.

After a few instructions, I made it to the center.

There was a beautiful fountain and I looked around.


"Sebastian?" Sebastian's voice asked and I whipped around.

"German!?" I backed up and crashed into something. I spun around to see King.


I made two knives of smoke and King put his hands up.

"We come in peace." King smiled.

"You killed some of my teachers!"

"Eh, it's fine."

"No it isn't!"

"Alright, I apologize." King sighed.

"I don't." German smiled.

I glared at him.

"German..." King sighed.

"Fine fine." He turned into a cat.

"Where's Sebastian?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"Back at the party, I'd imagine." King shrugged.

"Then how did I see and hear him!?"

"German. See, when he shapeshifters, he can also mimic whatever he turns into."

"I thought he could only turn into animals..."


If Sebastian is safe, I better scream...

"Please don't scream. We went through all this trouble to get you out here."

"Why? Why did you want me to come out here and why shouldn't I scream?"

"I just wanna talk to you. That's all, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I don't believe you."

"Well come sit. Let's just chat for a few minutes."

I coughed and my daggers disappeared.

"Whoa there, Zammy. Do you need some water?" He asked pulling a bottle of water out of his pocket.

I shook my head.

There's no way I'm drinking anything of his.

"Come, sit." He pulled me to the fountain and we sat down.

I coughed a bit more and he pat my back.

"It must suck to be allergic to your own ability." King sighed.

"I'm not allergic."

"Yes you are."

I bit his arm.

He just laughed.

Why didn't I scream for help when I had the chance?

I looked at the only exit of the maze.

German was sitting there, grooming his cat self.

"Furry." I grumbled.


I gave him a not so nice hand gesture and turned to King.

"What do you want."

"To get to know you. Oh. And to let you know something."

"Why do you want to get to know me?"

"I like you!" He beamed.

"Great. A crazed psycho murder likes me. That's all I've ever wanted and more.

"You know The Academy and The Department are the same thing, right?"

"Yeah right. Sure the rescuers might kill, but that's only because the bad guys won't back down. It's for the greater good."

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