38. Great

18 1 0

I looked out the window as Chip and Lantern drove me back to the house.

What do I do with this new found information?

Both the good and the bad are on the same side.

They know they're killing people but they don't care.

They're supposed to be the good guys.

But they're not.

"Are you okay, Vera?" I looked up to see Lantern looking at me through the rear view mirror.

He's King's godfather too.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

I looked back out the window.

When we got to the house, I said my hellos and went to my room.

I don't know. Should I trust King? He may have brainwashed my sister.

A few days later, there was a knock on my door.

I opened it.

"Vera. You all have a mission to go on."

I stared at Ezra.


I got ready and then got into the truck.

"Luna, Vera. You two will search the ground floor." I nodded.

I listened to the instructions carefully and then we made it to the location.

"Come on." Luna whispered and we crept around until we were behind some barrels. "Shh! Look!"

She pointed at a group of three kids around our age. They were leaning against a red broken down car, talking and laughing.

"What do we do?" Luna asked.

"I guess we notify Lantern."

She nodded and let the adults know.

I heard the young adults laugh again and the girl took a sip from a beer can.

"Okay, let's move." I whispered.

"Shouldn't we do something about them first?"

"No, that will blow our cover." I whispered.

She thought for a second then nodded.

I looked up at the three and watched one of the boys took a drag of his cigarette.


Everyone froze.

"The fuck was that?" The girl asked.

I looked down and saw an empty beer can under my foot.


There was a noise and the other boy had a switch blade in his hand.

"Merow!" I looked at Luna who was meowing with her hands cupped around her mouth. "Meow!"

"Oh, kitty!"

The girl ran over.


Do we run, do we stay!?

We hurried behind some crates.

"Huh? Kitty? Where are you?"

"A cat is too light to make that noise." Cigarette man flicked the roll away and joined the girl.

Switchblade looked around.

"We should notify the boss." He said taking out his phone.

Shit, no!

"Hey!" I called out and Luna slapped her hand over my mouth.

"What are you doing!?" She hissed.

"Who's there?!" The brunette girl looked our way.

I pulled Luna's hand off.

"Hey, come here!"

Cigarette boy pointed our way and they all started coming closer.


"If we run, we blow everyone's cover! We need to stop them from making that call!"

"If you come out now... we won't kill you." Cigarette boy said.

"Not immediately at least." Girl said and blade cackled.

The girl picked up a discarded pipe and the cigarette boy had a crowbar.

"Okay, you have a fighting power, I don't!" She hissed.

"Then stay behind me."

The girl jumped out in front of us and I threw myself onto my back, kicking her in the gut.

She screamed and stumbled back, dropping the pipe.

Luna snatched it and ran at the boy with amthe crowbar.

I ran at blade boy.

He ran at me and sliced the air.

I grabbed his arm with smile and then jabbed my two fingers up, pushing a thick cloud of smoke into his lungs.

He choked and dropped the knife.

I kicked it away and held the smoke in his lungs for a few more seconds.

I turned to look at Luna.

She had made quick work of the other boy.

"Good job." I pulled the smoke out of his lungs and took his phone.

Let's see if there's anything useful.

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