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Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin met in his office.
Yoongi fixed them drinks while telling them the situation with Kang today.

Jin unsurprisingly almost snapped. Namjoon calmed him quickly down with a kiss.

Impressive, Yoongi though, slightly toasting to Namjoon.

He looked at Jin. "I totally get your feelings. You have no idea how hard it was to not just punch that guys lights out." Yoongi said and just the memory of that made him angry again.
He gulped his drink down.

"But it was not just Jimin. There were so many. How could that happen?"
Yoongi sat down behind his desk but didn't like it.
He moved his chair to the others so they could talk more comfortable.

"We have to implement some measurements to avoid situations like that. Any ideas?" He looked at Namjoon and Jin.

"We could implement a anonymous complaint box or something. It seems to be a problem to talk to someone in person. They were scared."

"Thats not so easy. " Namjoon jumped in on that
"There are plenty of relationships at work. You would be surprised. And more the ones someone turns spiteful after breakup and tries to ruin the others reputation at work. I've seen it all, its not pretty." He sips on his drink. "Such a complaint box could be easily misused and ruin someone's life."

Yoongi grunts. What a mess.

"I'm curious to know how other firms handle that. Can you spread your information guys to find that out?" He asks Namjoon. "Sure, no problem, I get on it tomorrow morning. "

"No, tomorrow morning you will join us in accounting. We'll have a meeting with all of them to talk about the situation." He checks his watch. "Can't you shoot them a message now, its still early in the evening." Yoongi tells him being inpatient as always.

Namjoon just nods and starts typing.

"Whats gonna happen with Kang?" Jin asks
"Well, I fired him verbally today. It needs to be made official of course. I bet he will come back at us with layers so we need to gather proof of harassment. We need to talk to the employees who were affected and tell them that they have to file a complaint."

Jimin has to do that too, Jin thought.

"Could it cause problems if they know that Jimin is your boyfriend?"
Yoongi humms.
"We'll see. I better call the lawyer right now." He takes his phone and
Drink and walks out in the garden.


It takes a lot longer than Yoongi thought to get ahead of that mess. He talk with the lawyer forever. They went through all possibilities and consequences. He will attend the meeting tomorrow too.

There is not much more he can do now so he goes back inside just to find all of the others waiting for him.

He checked his watch. Damn.
"I'm sorry, that took so much longer than I thought." He joins them and kisses Jimin.
"Lets eat, I'm starving."

They all sat and ate and talked about everything but work. Tae asked about the appointment and of course agreed right away to join him next week.

And than Jimin told them that the doctor wanted him to do some form of work out or sports.
"I want to dance." Jimin says shyly. "I love dancing. I just need to find a place." JK is immediately all over it.
"Uuuuuuh, I know where you could go. Its a dance school i went to a couple years ago. They do everything. You'll love it. I would go with you if you want." He starts dancing in his chair.

Jimin smiled at the excited JK and looked at Yoongi to see what he thinks about it. "Sounds good." Yoongi nods to him and JK.

"Why did you stop going there?" Yoongi asks JK. "Don't know. No motivation, i guess." It was like with everything, nothing could hold his interest long, he was just floating aimlessly.

But the thought of going there again on a regular basis with a partner excited him.
Maybe the main problem throughout all those years has be that he was always alone.

He looked around the table.
He is not alone anymore.
Jimin is a friend. Yoongi opened more up to him, Namjoon and Jin sometimes act like their parents, which was weird but also nice and of course he has Tae now. That unreal beautiful creature that loves him.

Tae told him a couple nights ago and JK almost cried, he was so happy.

"Do you want to come too?" JK asks Tae.
"No, thank you, baby. Im not that much into it, but you go and have fun." Tae kisses him.

Dance school didn't sound like fun to him, more like work. No, thanks.
He was more an artsy person.

After dinner they gathered in the living area and played some sports games together.

Bowling went well, baseball became already chaotic and they all lost it at tennis. They first played singles and then teams. The craziest match was team JK/Tae against team Jin/Namjoon.

Namjoon just couldn't figure out the moves, Jin went insane because he wanted to win, Tae did it almost comical, also not hitting anything while JK was as perfect as always.

There was so much screaming and laughing and Jimin fell of the couch because he was laughing so hard.

The match was over and team Jin/Namjoon lost. Jin was upset and started ranting. Namjoon just laughed in his face, scooped him up, kissed him deeply and carried him upstairs wishing the others a good night.

The others watched how Namjoon handled his baby in astonishment and then burst out in laughter again.

"Sometimes i think Jins ranting turns him on." Tae laughed "They are so cute."
Jimin agreed. "I'm so happy for them. They seem to fit so perfect together."

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