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They entered the kitchen, the maid was busy preparing dinner, she assured it would be ready in about 30 minutes.

"Alright, then lets go have a look at your stuff in the hallway." Yoongi decided, pulling Jimin along again. He seemed to really like holding hands.

He asked Jimin what is in what. "Well, lets start with you clothes. I will empty out a side of the closet to make room so you can organize your clothes in there."
With that said they got to work. Yoongi eyed some of Jimins stuff and scoffs "We are definitely gonna go shopping soon."

It didn't take that long and only the boxes with Jimins personal stuff were left. He placed the few books in the shelf, put up the picture frames near his bedside, threw his cuddle pillows on Yoongis grey couch and crashed next to them.

"Is that your family?" Yoongi ask eyeing the pictures.

Jimin was all spread out on the couch, eyes closed, "Yeah, before my dad died. We were such a happy family back then." Jimin said quietly, remembering what came after that. He rolled onto his side burying his face in one of his pillows trying to get that quick out of his head.

"You also have a brother?" Yoongi goes on still studying the pictures. "Hmmm, his Name is Jin. I haven't seen him in a while." Mumbles Jimin in his pillows searching comfort.

Yoongi looks at him now, frowning. He is not sure what's going on with him right now or how to approach him. He can see some of his distress.
It started with the family picture but he talked so positive about it so Yoongi was at a loss.

Jimin went stiff, he couldn't get his head out of that horrible place of memory. His stomach cramped up. He moaned in pain.
Yoongi rushed over now, he had seen enough, that's not healthy. He grabbed Jimins upper body, lifted him up enough to sit on the couch and then pulled him into his lap, hugging him tight.
He didn't say anything, his hand went soothingly up and down Jimins back waiting for Jimin to come out of his distress.

They stayed like that a couple minutes till Jimin said "Thank you." While pushing his face into Yoongis neck.

Yoongi humms, still caressing him.
Jimin relaxed, he felt safe. He was also grateful for Yoongi not asking questions.

"Im hungry." Jimin said after a while trying to get up. Yoongi released him and watched him closely. He seemed ok now.

They went downstairs, JK was already there somewhat harassing the maid for food.
"Lets eat together " Yoongi said into the room and everything started to come in motion. JK rushed to his seat. Jimin and Yoongi followed. The maid started serving. They ate and talked. Jk then told the maid to set a prepared plate aside for later.

Yoongi looked at him "For what?" He asks JK because that was new.
"For Tae." JK answers happily.
Jimin panics a little.

"Tae who?" Yoongi keeps going.
JK points at Jimin "Roommate Tae." Jimin gulps.

"Why is he coming? Did you invite him?" He asks JK while eating.
Jk looks at Jimin and says "Yes. Yes, I invited him."
Jimin sighs.

He doesn't want to lie to Yoongi, nothing good comes from that so he intervenes.
"No, JK, thank you. But that's not true." Yoongi looks up at Jimin, his eyes dark. "Whats going on?" His voice is sharp.

Jimin explains what happened at his apartment and the solution they came up with. He pointed out how important Tae has been for Jimin and that he couldn't leave him behind like that.

JK also jumped in that the house is so big and empty and that he would really love to have Tae here. He wanted to get close to him anyways.

That last confession from his restless, never satisfied brother surprised Yoongi.

He thought about what he just heard, looking at them while they both had pleading eyes on him.

"Daddy, please." Came from JK "Can Tae stay with us?"

Jimin cough-laughs.
Yoongi grunts but nods.


Later on in their room.

Jimin looks at Yoongi who was working on his laptop. Jimin was spread out on the couch again busy with his phone.

They have been like that since they came up from dinner. Comfortable silence.

Jimin was so relieved that Tae could stay. It was not a given. Its not like a stray cat, you can't just move people into a house thats not yours. But that's what Jimin had done and Yoongi thankfully went along with it.

"Thank you that Tae can stay here. Thats a big deal. I am really grateful for that." It's bursting out of him.

Yoongi looks up at Jimin.
Just stares at him with dark eyes.

"Yeah, you're gonna pay for that."
He finally said in his low voice.

Jimins jaw dropped.


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