Lost Friends

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Give me back all the study breaks

That I have captured on my phone

Though filters may disguise our grins

The happiness was still our own

Give me back all the cafe meals

With food that did not settle right

I'll take that over better food

That's eaten with no one in sight

Give me back all the late night walks

That we spent goin' 'round the pond

I may have been exhausted yet

I'd take that to have back our bond

Give me back all the talks we had

That blur together in my mind

The time would pass like falling sand

Another trait I still can't find

I'd ask you just to have her back

The person who was once my friend

But life's not fair and two don't choose

Just when a friendship ought to end

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon