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I have escaped for all my life

I always chose to run away

Avoiding any glimpse of pain—

This was the goal I had each day

At first I was absorbed in books

With heroes that looked just like me

I'd picture myself in their spot

Imagine the girl that I'd be

TV and movies helped as well 

I could forget for just a bit

All of the problems that I faced

Regrets that I could not admit

My phone was such a lovely tool

I'd scroll on it from night 'til dawn

Pretend that I was happy too

Like all the people who'd moved on

Or sometimes I'd fill time with work

Convince myself it was okay

Think that I did not need friends

No matter what my heart would say

I never did amount to much

Spent most of my life in my head

I'm numb enough I don't quite care

That all I ever did was fled

So yes I took the easy way

Which may seem cowardly to some

But before you judge me so

Ask, what are you running from?

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkWhere stories live. Discover now