One Day

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One day you might wake up

And not have that loving Mum

So don't take her for granted

'Cause you're feeling rather glum

One day you might wake up

And not have that loving Dad

So don't take him for granted

'Cause he's worked to make you glad

One day you might wake up

And not have that loving sis

So don't take her for granted

'Cause she's someone you will miss

One day you might wake up

And not have that loving bro

So don't take him for granted

'Cause he cares more than he'll show

One day you might wake up

And not have them in your life

So don't take them for granted

'Cause they're worth all of the strife 

I am speaking here about my own experiences. Obviously, if these relationships in your lives have been abusive or harmful in nature, I don't expect you to feel the same way. This is just me recognizing and being grateful for the people in my life:)

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