To Want

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The man had an ornate mansion

But wanted still a private plane

He looked at all he had and sighed

"I've got more money to still gain."

The woman had a lot of booze

But she wanted a mansion so

She looked at grand houses and groaned

"I wish my salary would grow."

The man had quite a bit of food

But he wanted more ale and beer

He grumbled lowly as he worked

"I should make more in this career."

The woman lived next to a well

But she wanted nice food to eat

She frowned as she pulled water up—

"I would have liked a bit of meat."

I do not write these words to judge

But merely to provoke some thought

Think carefully on what you've read

On all the things that were not bought

Of all those I've listed above

Who think that their lives lack grandeur 

I ask you now to tell me this:

Just which of them would you call poor?

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkWhere stories live. Discover now