The Job

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I take it you're here for the job?

I've got some questions, you can sit

Answer them as best you can

So I can see if you're a fit:

Would you mow the lawn some weeks

'Cause it's the chore I hate the most?

Would you buy the groceries if

We ever do decide to host?

Would you make me homemade soup

If I came down with a cold?

Would you speak out for my sake

On the days I don't feel bold?

Would you never yell or swear

Even if we were to fight?

Would you hold me close at night

After movies fraught with fright?

Would you try to make me smile

When I'm feeling somewhat sad?

Would you raise our children right

If someday you became a dad?

Would you still want only me

Years from now when I am old?

Would you hold my hand in yours

No matter how our lives unfold?

I know I'm asking for a lot

Of that fact I am quite aware

And I know that there is no wage

That I could give to make you care

So can you do this without pay—

All these things listed above?

For I am searching for the man

Who'd deem these tasks labors of love

Happy Valentine's Day ya'll :)

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