A Different Pain

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Red looked down at his infant son

The babe just newly born

And knew he'd raise him different so

He would not deal with scorn

He kept him from the color red

He slathered him in green

He worked to form him day and night

So no red could be seen

Until at last his son had grown

Into a bitter man

Who did not smile anymore—

Which was not old Red's plan

"Why do you groan and ache so much!"

Red ranted and he raved 

"I saved you from the color red,

Yet still you act enslaved!"

"You saved me from the blood, that's true,

As well as lust and rage.

But somehow you have clearly missed

In your unseeing age—

You burdened me with other things 

Without a single choice.

For now I'm stuck with jealousy—

With venom and no voice."

And Red looked at his son and saw

The colors he had masked

The happy man he could have been

If he had only asked

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkWhere stories live. Discover now