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I look at all the things I own

Wondering why I have so much

Am I so greedy I desire

Stuff I'll never even touch?

I buy things that I barely want

And then things to keep these things in

Throw in cleaning and repair

And soon my money's spreading thin

I think it's funny, in a way

How I can still look back and see

The moments I was happiest

Those minutes I felt the most glee

They were not made by all the stuff

That clutters up my tiny room

My merriness could not be found

In jewelry, clothes or nice perfume

It was bought by all of those

Who gladly gave up so much time—

Spending this precious resource

But never asking for a dime

So now I write these words in thanks

Because I don't know where I'd be

If they'd not given of their lives

To bring happiness to me

And I remind myself each day

That these things I think I need

Only ever serve to grow

My horrid, never-ending greed

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora