To My Husband

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Give me Scrabble games at midnight

Using only icky words

I will proudly put down boogers

And I'll laugh when you spell turds

Build me giant forts with pillows

When we have our movie nights

We'll sing Disney songs together

And you'll hold me through the frights

Let me push you in the pool

So you can shout 'Et tu Brute?'

I'll feel proud as you dry off

Until you have the final say

We will plan out day-long hikes

But complain along the way

So when we're both too sore to walk

We'll swear it off until next May

I'll bake you all your favorite treats

If you'll just handle the grill

While I could still cook the meat

I'd rather not risk being ill

I'm just waiting for these times

All these moments we will share

But until that awesome day-

Au revoir and please take care

Dedicated to a man I'm not entirely sure exists lol

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