My Ideal Man

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And in my head there is a man

Though I don't know when he began

I just know that he is ideal—

As perfect as he is unreal

He's calm like Howl when danger's near

And laughs like Jack when facing fear

He's mischievous as Loki is

And cares like Kaz for who is his

He's smart as Sherlock without doubt

To me, like Merlin, he's devout

Courageous like Fitzherbert, too

With Hiccup's empathetic view

Like Percy he's loyal as well

And like Bandit, with kids, he's swell

From Westley comes unending love

And strength from Aslan high above

Yes I dream of the perfect one

Who is, by mortals, beat by none

And sometimes fear I've set too high

The standards for my ideal guy

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