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Warnings: Poor self-image, body hate

My vision is not all that great

So I need glasses just to see

But when I put them on each day

I do not feel a sense of glee

I grimace at my chubby cheeks

Push the divot in my chin

Frown at all my tangled hair

Wish that I had flawless skin

I poke the fat next to my arms

Stare at my brown, boring eyes

Tug the bulge on my waists' sides

Imagine me a smaller size

I take my body all apart

Until there's nothing left to praise

Hoard the air within my lungs

Then carefully avert my gaze

The glasses swiftly leave my face—

With their absence I am free

I face the mirror once again

And smile at the sight of me

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkWhere stories live. Discover now