The Lamb's Christmas Story

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I know it's totally not Christmas time anymore, but this was made when it was, sooooo, enjoy lol

The lamb was born on eve of night

Amongst the many of the herd

Besides the wind against the grass

There was no noise that could be heard

The lamb looked at his mom and asked

"Are you the one who guides my path?

Will you now keep me safe and warm

Away from any being's wrath?"

The mother looked down at her son

"I cannot fill this role for you

For I am, too, a poor, weak sheep

And there'd be little I could do."

The lamb looked at the shepherd next

With crooked staff held in his hand

He was sat watching all around

Ready to jump up and stand

"Will that man treat me as his own,

And care for me for all my life?

Will he make sure that I am loved

And save me from my every strife?"

"He will try, I'll give him that."

His mother glanced up at the man

"But he will fail, remember that

So be on guard all that you can."

The lamb let out a sad, low bleat

And quietly laid down his head

When suddenly a noise above

Caused him to rise up from his bed

"Will the angels help me, Mom,

If the shepherd were to fail?

Will they all watch me while I sleep,

Adore me to my tiny tail?"

"No, they are not here for us."

His mother whispered in his ear

"They are here because a baby

And a shining star are near.

The angels left the shepherds then

And man and sheep walked to the town

Until they stopped beside a place

That looked small and quite run down

The little lamb made his way in

He trotted right up to the crib

And seeing just who lay inside

All that the lamb could do was jib

"This was who I'm looking for!

This baby, yes, He is the One!

Of leaders He's the very best,

Of Carers He is beat by none!"

And the lamb jumped around the room

Underneath the shining star

For Jesus is the best shepherd

That one could ever want by far

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