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I wanted you to be the one

I wanted it so badly

That I ignored all of your faults

And even did it gladly

I thought we both were walking into

Our true love together

But looking back I wonder now

If your love was a tether

Did you keep me in the dark

Because you knew I'd doubt?

You told me oh so little too

Why did you shut me out?

There's secrets I will never know

But I think that's okay

Because the more I think of you

Now that you've gone away...

The more I think of Icarus 

Flying to the sun

And the dangers than can follow

When consumed by fun

I'm posting these poems once a day til someone starts to read them, and I'm curious at what point (if ever) that will happen. I'm hoping by Christmas, but we'll see. Comment or vote if you liked it!

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