Boy and Man

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The boy turned quickly in the weeds

Once he'd touched my braided hair

Yelling that I was now "it"

Which I thought was quite unfair

The boy sent notes to all his friends

Filled with plans of a great deed

But I just scoffed and rolled my eyes

Doubting that he would succeed

The boy ran down the crowded halls

Knocking my books to the floor

He yelled sorry, as he zoomed by

Racing out the exit door

The boy grinned down into my face

When at last he'd passed my height

But when he said that I was cute

His words did not quite seem to bite

The boy gave help to me in math

When my grades began to fall

And he did not make me feel dumb

Or like I was two feet tall

The boy took help from me in turn

When Spanish seemed like a great feat

And he thanked me and even grinned

When he did not face defeat

And the boy gently grabbed my hands

When I tugged my twisted strands

Claiming I was smarter still

Than my dream school understands

And as we walked off to my house—

A path we both had often ran—

I wondered how I somehow missed

The boy I knew become a man

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