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I spent some hours fixing up

An awesome coat I'd torn apart

And never once did I just pause 

To see that I'm not being smart

If I'd been thinking logically

I would have thrown that coat away

But in my mind it's still the one

That I'd like to wear every day

And I can still remember when

That coat made me feel warm inside

The snow could come or rain or sleet

And I'd just take it in my stride

But it's not been like that for months

And there's no patch that I can buy

To make my chest feel warm again

Or even keep me somewhat dry

I know I should get rid of it

But I'm stuck by the memory

Of what it was when it was new

Of what the coat could truly be

And I know that this all sounds dumb—

I write like the coat was the GOAT—

So mock me, please, just understand...

I'm not writing about a coat

Poems to Leave Streaks of InkWhere stories live. Discover now