Chapter One

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To anyone who is reading this I have decided that I will put an "EDITING" or "EDITED" at the beginning of chapters to show they have been edited/are being edited and please and I mean please, correct my grammar 😭 I suck at grammar sometimes so please correct that also autocorrect severely hates me so yeah. Anyways continue reading everyone!


Nyx Pov:

I was walking in a park when I saw a man looking a little sad on a park bench.

I was contemplating whether going to talk to him or continue walking and I begrudgingly decided to go talk to him because everyone needs someone to talk to every once in awhile and if I embarrassed myself I could just flash away for another hundred years and return when he'd be dead.

"Sir I couldn't help but notice that you look upset is there something that is troubling you?". I asked.

"Oh yes actually do you really want to hear about it? Because I'm known to ramble on and annoy the people I talk to". He said

"Yes it's alright I don't mind". I said

After a while he finally said.

"The woman I loved basically ghosted me after we were talking about things most people don't even know like Quantum Psychics and Wars that might not even happen".

"And how long how you known her?". I asked.

"Around 7 months but I started liking her after the second month and then I realized I liked her a lot at around the 6th month and now I don't even see her around anymore it's like she dissapeared off the face of the earth". He said.

"It could have been a goddess" I thought

"Well what was her name?" I asked

"Athena". He responded

"Oh that makes a LOT more sense". I said

"How?". He asked

"Well you said you talked about smart things and her name is Athena? That ring any bells?". I said.

"The Goddess in Greek Mythology?" He asked

"Yes that's probably why she ghosted you as you probably didn't have the same amount of intelligence as she did so she left". I said.

"Well that's kinda insulting but whatever. Anyways how do you know she's real?". He asked

"Because much like her I am a being of Greek mythology". I said.

"Oh which one?". He asked

"Nyx, Primordial of Night". I said.

"Oh that's cool!". He said.

"Yes I guess anyways tell me about yourself". I said

"My name is Hunter. I love children I've always thought of having one but I never actually tried, I love the ocean and I go swimming in it every once in awhile". And I have lived in Manhattan for most of my life". He said.

"Now tell me about you?". He asked.

-after they get to know each other more-

"Well I guess I shall see you another day Hunter maybe tomorrow?". I asked

"Yes I can do tommorow". He said

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